[@Norschtalen]: Well. You're taking plenty of liberties there that don't match up with what the setting has, so let's see where to begin. 1. The effects of the Rifts on the world. No, they don't do that. It's not some weird mirror world of 'this' reality where changes are reflected. 2. Evil org throwing people into Rifts as cannon fodder. Uh... Well, how about let's not. I could go on for a while about how this isn't viable, but I don't feel like doing that at 1AM. Also, like, yeah, putting aside all of the whole ethics problem here (I've literally gone on about this elsewhere)... 3. All Rifts being cast as places of instant [i]bad[/i] within context of the form... Well, I even state in the OP that that's not how things work. So, uh... There's honestly more to go on (and, like, even the literal criminal has more in line with the tone of the RP), but it's almost 2AM. Denied, full stop. [@TheFake]: New form accepted.