Midoriya was sitting at a bench alone, waiting for Nensu to return from the restroom. His mind was still in a daze after the blast of a date they've had so far. Not to mention the pro hero goods they shopped at the gigantic mall. The green haired boy was too busy reminding himself of the events that happened that day when a hooded stranger approached him. "Woah, a UA student! Can I talk to you a bit?" A hooded figure threw an arm around him as he sat down next to Midoriya. With no time to react, the teenager was caught by surprise. A hand reached for his neck, leaving only one finger off the delicate part of the boy. Frightened, Midoriya tried to call out for help, but the figure moved around his finger threateningly. "Don't think about doing anything stupid." He said. It was Shigaraki Tomura, head of the League of Villains. He had paid a 'surprise visit' on Midoriya, questioning the difference between him and Stain- how the Hero Killer got so much attention and sympathy, when he didn't. The villain found it unfair that such treatment could happen. Midoriya tried to break out whenever he saw the possibility to, but Tomura was too alert to wriggle out of. Every time he thought there was a suspicious move, even a flinch, he tightened his grip, yet being stealthy enough to not have anyone passing by notice. In their breathtaking conversation, the villain soon reached his conclusion- everything, everything had to do with All Might. And he was going to prove that the hero was wrong. He will kill him, no matter what it took. From his wretched smile, Midoriya could sense the obvious hatred and madness swelling inside this villain that had commenced attacks at the UA. He had to stop him, but only if he could get out of this sticky situation...