[hider= Nyx Atler] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/blow-up-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190518/882a127cf7cb933124a0080fd5f137dc.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/d8T6y6j.jpg[/img] Full Name: Nyx Atler Nicknames: Nyx Nightshade Age:18 Gender: Female Date of Birth: Oct 11th Ethnicity: Greek and Russian descent Sexuality: Bi __ Appearance: 5'6 petite body type. Long blonde hair with dark roots and icy blue eyes. Milky white skin. Has a large scar on the back of her right shoulder blade. Personality: Manipulative, lacks empathy.short-fuse.selfish.morbid.observant.sarcastic and can be flirtatious. Depending on how she is approached she can come across as unfriendly. Often has a judgmental gaze and resting bitch face. Likes to express herself through her music. she's very good at preying on others insecurities for her own pleasures. Gets a kick out of pissing others off and often will speak her mind if she is bothered enough to do so and is not above using manipulation or violence to achieve her current goals. Habits: chain-smoking, drinking,[s] drugs,[/s] traces her index finger along her bottom lip when she is thinking or daydreaming. Bites her lower lip when she is uncomfortable or turned on. Likes: cloves, darkwave music, fetish clubs, singing. bonfires, Daliahs, full moons, and gloomy weather. Astrology, Tarot cards, horror movies and getting roughed up. Her favorite color, or lack of, is black. Spicy, bitter or sour foods. Is attracted to power and danger. Dislikes: Rap or Country music. Sweets. Holidays except for Halloween. Romantic comedies. The sun. Commitment __ [/hider]