[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/razor-ephinea-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190530/46a80f87787209c299e3511deaf3a364.png[/img][/url][/center] [hider=APOPHIS] [center][color=lightgray] [hr][h1]||A P O P H I S||[/h1][hr] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6362/986849f42578a570428892acaa0a736b3fc9b504_hq.jpg[/img] [hr][sub]The fainter image on the left was Apophis when it was a hatchling.[/sub][hr] [b][u]Names[/u][/b] || Apophis || Άποφις || Apep || Serpent of the Nile || Evil Lizard || [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] Apophis appears like most of the legends, with a few major deviations here or there, describe; a long, black, snake or dragon like creature with large clawed leathery wings and multiple black tendrils sprouting from various places along its body that constantly produce a paralytic compound which, when come into contact with or ingested, causes a slow stiffening of the muscles that eventually leads to complete loss of movement and even death in smaller creatures. In addition to the venom they constantly produce and secrete, Apophis can use his tendrils to better navigate his environment and aid in the capture of prey. [b][u]Size[/u][/b] 213 meters long, 60 meters tall/wide, with a wingspan of 320 meters from tip to tip. [b][u]First Appearance[/u][/b] [hider=The Barrow] [sub]The entrance to the Barrow/Outpost 12, which has been shrunk down from its original size by onsite construction crews before being reinforced with steel rods, plates, and blast doors to help keep Apophis contained.[/sub] [hr] [img]https://wallup.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/10/134692-fantasy_art-nature-cave-moon-moonlight-tents-sand-barrels-candles.jpg[/img] [hider=Into The Barrow][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mBGPpnkGCpo[/youtube][/hider] [hr] Egypt - Found deep within a previously unnamed and unmarked cave system a few miles away from the Nile River by an EGF, Egyptian Ground Forces, squad patrolling the area. Now contained within the location, generally referred to as Outpost 12 or the Barrow by onsite personnel, by several TERRA/Egyptian research and military teams. [/hider] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] -[b]Paralytic Secretion:[/b] As mentioned above, Apophis's tendrils secrete a slimy, clear, almost saliva like paralytic venom that causes the muscles of its prey to slowly lock up on contact or ingestion. Obviously, the larger and more well armored the prey, the less effective the venom is. -[b]Reptilian Physiology:[/b] Apophis, being a larger and more powerful/monstrous evolution of several snake varieties, has an advanced form of the infrared sensitive receptors found within Pit Vipers on the front of its snout, allowing for the "sight" of radiant heat, a series of six face whiskers or tendrils that help boost its sense of movement and smell, a somewhat soft underbelly that is incredibly sensitive to even the most minute of vibrations, is naturally cold blooded, making it difficult to detect via thermal imaging technology, a split jaw that can open wider than usual to aid in the swallowing of food, and a pair of steel grey slit eyes with binocular vision that not only let it affix its gaze on a singular object, but also help it distinguish between light, dark, and different colors as well. -[b]Flight:[/b] Apophis, obviously, can take to the air using his large clawed wings, the beating of which creates sonic booms and small gale force gusts of wind that can destabilize aircraft as well as smaller Kaiju. -[b]Constriction Master:[/b] Apophis, due to his reptilian nature and time hunting various creatures on the banks of the Nile, has become a master of choking the life from his prey. This unnatural level of dexterity and flexibility, combined with the venom coating his body, is what lets him escape the grasp of other Kaiju so easily. [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b] -[b]Softy:[/b] Apophis may not seem soft by human standards, but trust me, by the standards of other Kaiju he's as squishy and easy to tear apart as a common garden snake and therefore must proceed with caution when engaging other titans. -[b]Not A Firebrand:[/b] Apophis, while he can be around minor sources of heat and flame without any negative side effects, will quickly become disoriented and blinded by extremely large fires or sources of heat, as they are capable of overwhelming the highly sensitive receptors in his snout. Examples of heat sources he avoids are large reactors, active volcanos, and the flame based attacks of other Kaiju. -[b]Slow Riser:[/b] Apophis, like all reptiles, is cold blooded and must spend several hours sunbathing in order to warm his muscles to the point of usability, which leaves him incredibly vulnerable to attacks from humans and Kaiju alike. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] Apophis is a highly intelligent creature who mostly keeps to himself, only really venturing out into the world when he feels the need to hunt, drive off other Kaiju he feels are encroaching on its territory, or, in even rarer cases, to mate. As for his view on humanity, it is mostly neutral, though he does make a special exception for the Egyptian people, whom he hates with a passion thanks to their previous attempts at murdering him with a barrage of spears and arrows thousands of years ago when he was gliding over one of their cities on his way back to his nest. [b][u]History[/u][/b] Born, or hatched rather, in a small nest of five, Apophis grew up along the sandy banks of the Nile River and the surrounding area where he proceeded to hunt for small water and land born animals. Over time, as he slowly began to grow larger in size, Apophis began to go after bigger and bigger prey, such as other Kaiju. Eventually, around the same time humans began building settlements along the Nile, he finally grew into his current form and began taking down even larger Kaiju, quickly staking his claim to a small part of that area. In the years that followed, he defended his territory from monsters and humans alike, which is what helped earn him his place as a malevolent force in Egyptian mythology besides the fact that every time he flew overhead in the sky it appeared as though he was swallowing the sun, before finally going into a deep hibernation in a vast underground cave system a few miles inland from the Nile where he slept for thousands of years until a piercing call roused him from his slumber.... [b][u]Other[/u][/b] Humans, depending on where they live and what food they have access to, tend to taste like bacon or jerky bits to Apophis. Apophis usually takes down his prey by constriction before tearing into it with his teeth, clawed wings, and tendrils. On the rare occasions when he does swallow his prey whole, it is simply to save time or to keep other Kaiju in the area from stealing the kill. [hider=Sound Effects][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S1TO7QhfNxs[/youtube][/hider] [b][u]Themes[/u][/b] [hider=The Awakening of Chaos][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UmfH_cwdwo[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Rise of The Sun Eater (Battle Theme)][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bA631oqahPA[/youtube][/hider] [/color][/center][/hider]