[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CSgjcqu.png[/img][/center] [sub]Late Morning///Entrance to the Dungeon[/sub] [hr] [b]“Hurk.”[/b] Varanense pitched forward when titanic force smashed into his spine, almost snapping it in half. Turning around, he met Kori’s way-too enthusiastic gaze, and simply felt even more like being a pessimistic twat in response. Castor and Oben were similarly, painfully optimistic, and it honestly hurt a little to see the type of energetic kiddos Varanense was going to be partying with from now on. These were definitely the type to see a Minotaur from a lower level and immediately rush it, huh? And considering what Dahlia said…well, she might not even stop them if they DID want to run into a Minotaur’s horns. Awesome. This was great. Varanense might not have been a fan of the hardcore grinding training hell that basically marked every day of his life back home, but he also wasn’t looking forward doing, what again? Something so incomprehensibly badass that would even impress the gods. God, why can’t they all just be like Nemesis, perpetually drunk and easily entertained by some random card trick? [b]“I mean, just saying, but like, I’d rather not do the big dead like that rabbit kid a couple weeks back and die against a Silverback…”[/b] He shrugged, vaguely, already trying to come up with ways to impress the gods with his absolutely insane slacking skills, [b]“So maybe we just take it easy? Got a whole year to figure this out n all. Let’s not jump off a cliff immediately, yah?”[/b] Well, considering half his team was already gung ho about it, he could only pray that reality smack their enthusiasm down a notch before they started soloing Monster Rexes. But, of course, there were no Gods left in heaven to answer such prayers. [sub]Late Morning///Floor 1[/sub] [hr] Thankfully, no real problems ran up to kick the disorganized party in the teeth. From the back, Varanense followed the others at a leisurely pace, enjoying the relatively peaceful walk. What enemies did appear were swiftly dispatched by the more trigger-happy members of the party, while Penn saved everyone else’s back by carrying the majority of the loot, leaving the dark-skinned archer with relaxed shoulders and a light gait. Honestly, it was more comfortable than expected, having a full frontline fully dedicated to protecting him (and Penn and Dahlia). Almost made him feel like an aristocrat. Wait, he was one. And now it was beginning to feel a bit stifling. Damn. Good thing there was another threat in the next room. Time to grab himself some breathing space. Seven dogmen total, all vaguely clumped up. They weren’t the magical type and weren’t armed with weapons, so that was always nice to see. Having pillars to hide behind was an even better thing to see. Unslinging his large crossbow from his back, Varanense slid a bolt out and locked it in, ready to maybe pull the trigger. Or maybe he’ll just watch. That sounded better. Melee weapons didn’t use ammo, after all. Always good to have the warriors do their work. [b]“Well, y’know the drill-o. Castor, strong lad like you can take em all yourself, yeah?”[/b] And lazy lads like Varanense can just hang by the door entrance and watch the fireworks.