[h2]Hanako[/h2] It had been with great difficulty that Hanako had finally gotten to sleep that night, concerned that her offer to help had been more poorly received then she would have liked... and constantly on guard for the shrine maiden after her somewhat concerning offer. With the Hex Night occupying her attention and feeling unlikely to contribute on her lack of sleep, the short girl had opted against going to school--rationalising that she could just catch up on her sleep in the library somewhere and be ready when all the others were done with the day. Unfortunately... Well, here she was being the world's most useless shrine maiden. There was something about a divine spirit in a box that needed to be appeased, and sweeping in the right pattern else the shrine's energy would be off... and with the very real existence of magic, what if all this was true, too? "R-Right!" the white-haired girl said, trying to remember it all. Appease the komainu... sweep the broom in the right rhythm... Himeko was being treated to the sight of someone trying to sweep a statue's nostrils with a broom.