[b][color=fff200] Superior Shon[/color][/b] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/e8c5d34781f94b0c3ccd3ad24b10eb0f/tumblr_npq541azih1tejrhbo4_400.png[/img] In virtual reality inside a classroom inside a computer in a fake reality, Cinder, the Winx girls, Ia, Kiri, the Specialist, was seated in a high-tech room over the clouds. A man in a flying robotic suit flew down on jet boots smiling at everyone. "Welcome everyone to paralel universe multiverse class." The man said. Suddenly the girls started cheering. "That's Shon Future of Future Enterprise, the entire magical dimension is obsessed with him. Everything popular nowadays with technology plus normal inventions, mostly Future Enterprise invented it." , one girl said. "Now now ladies you have enough time to fame time over me later, I will even sign autographs as usual on the red carpet." professor Shon said then his teeth sparkled. Riven in the back snarled, "Show off, calling himself Superior Shon." Professor Shon looked around. "Does anyone know about the fictional myth called the multiverse or parallel universes? Of course, Cinder does, he was attacked by four evil universes of himself just yesterday going after him. No time to explain everyone you learn most superior on the field. No annoying boring textbooks I never studied never will, you get no homework, all you need is gaining experience and a quiz every week. As for studying in class? Forget that too, take out cell phones, videogames, popcorn and watch a movie when back here. One more thing, up in here in virtual reality all the food tastes real. Who made this virtual reality full dive technology? Me of course. Now please remove your glasses in the real world, then a portal to multiple parallel universes will open up under your feet without warning taking you there."Professor Shon said while posing for the cameras. "One more thing students, I got my own personal theme song.", Professor Shon said. Suddenly some music came on as Shon posed heroicly for the cameras [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fIRtDr7fJw[/url]. "One more thing class, I'm a trillionaire yes, the president and CEO of Future Enterprise himself thank you very much, my company gadgets vastly build your worlds as well, plus I am a superhero saved the magical dimension dozens of times too for truth and justice." [img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/9674ae22013e004e25e2e020b7d89c88/tumblr_oqkjtogvxa1uf6rnmo1_500.png[/img][/img] Suddenly a hologram appeared before Cinder, showing professor Shon in comic book form about himself speaking words on the page. Villian: Stop telling me what to do, you stupid so-called hero, you are not my parents. Superior Shon: "I fell to understand you, evildoers. Why be a crook being the scorn of the earth with the gnashing of teeth as everybody else always frowning glaring you down? While you can be a hero a champion being praised, thrown money at, kick ass while looking good too, and above all fame time plus the spotlight with the cameras rolling everything. Plus the heroics is ultra addicting the biggest fix of it all, the best addiction ever. I don't know about you but every time I sleep, I feel like I went to sleep in the third heaven where the holy angels reside, then woke up back here in creation feeling like infinity bucks. Oh man, talk about enlightenment. Villian: Shut up you the stupid hero! Superior Shon: And they call me insane. [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/9674ae22013e004e25e2e020b7d89c88/tumblr_oqkjtogvxa1uf6rnmo1_500.png[/img] _____ Where: Virtual reality professor Shon's class. With: Ia, Winx Girls, Specialist, Alfea girls, Red Fountain boys, Cinder, Kiri.