Narsi did step back and put on a stern face when Meesei turned to look at her. Her fascination gave way to at least that much fear, even if Meesei was not actively trying to scare anyone. Janius had to grin and show his hands to Valgar. "Now, there. You'll spoil us doing that." He tilted his head, glancing to the others. "But...the opportunity is there." "Daedra hearts are rare," Sabine commented. "We should speak with Marcaille before committing, in case they are needed elsewhere." "Having weapons that could break through the armour of any otherworldly creature would be invaluable," Fendros said. "Even if it were only a few arrows or a dagger." "Or claws, like Meesei's," Janius mentioned out of the corner of his mouth. Fendros angled his head forward, staying grounded despite Janius' excitement. "Or an axe for you, if you are going into battle in your current form." Janius raised his brow. "Just making our options known, brother."