Felix was amused at the kid's reactions. Hmm, pretty quick, not quite at the level of a Sniper or Samurai, but certainly above the level of your average fighter. Wasn't entirely relient on the keyblade, but didn't discount it entirely like some novices. All that was capped off by a lovely look of visciousness in the boy's eyes. It would be amusing to watch that shard of darkness consume him. When Toscax arrived, and the boy had left, Felix dropped the happy go lucky persona. A fireball shot between Toscax's legs at insane speed, leaving only a slight burning sensation below his crotch. He began speaking in Latin. [Color=orange][i]"I'm going to unleash Belphagor on the next world, don't interfere. The morons need the challenge to grow."[/i][/color] Saying this he swept out and headed towards his room to meditate. Inside his mindscape, he sat on a white throne atop a dragon {Think Xemnas' king form from kh2}. Outside the bubble of the dragon, all was flame, save for six doors each with a symbol of one of the seven deadly sins upon them. The only symbol missing was that of wrath. As he sat there, his mind was assailed by the base instincts he had crushed in order to become stronger. They wanted him to destroy those that had slighted him, from Leo to the kid. Not for the first time he cursed his previous self for entering the world of darkness. He looked to the door marked Sloth and gave a wry grin. At least he would have a break from dealing with this for a time. [hr] In the sky above Paris, a black portal began to form. On the other side a battered Zane was holding the partily frozen girl to him as they were pulled towards the light.