[center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6021/75d7b29fd2ef0170edc9fd723a292b646ac5d41a_hq.jpg[/img] [h3][color=a187be]Eileen Fang // Ailanthus Altissima (Tessa)[/color][/h3][sub][color=darkgray][color=white][b]::[/b] [/color]The Laughing Worg Tavern [color=white][b]//[/b][/color] Thorinn [color=white][b]::[/b][/color][/color][/sub][/center] Tessa looked up from the vice that she had clamped to the bar table. Within the grip of the vice was a magic crystal, delicately filigreed with precious metals, embedded with rare gems, and engraved with runic symbols. Her hands held an assortment of tools. She had been quite busy before the depressing topic of her party mates brought her out of her focus. She slid the magnifying glass setup away from her face to look at Graves. Death was on everyone's mind, but after the initial panic that Tessa had experienced in the dungeon, a cathartic, nihilistic sense of calm had descended upon her. [color=a187be]"'What do we do next?', you ask. We continue to make a killing, that's what we do. People have been so afraid, that demand for defensive enchantments have far exceeded supply. Prices are skyrocketing. Business has never been this good. By the time this bug is patched out, we'll be filthy rich."[/color] Perhaps seeing a man in the throes of death was disconcerting for some, but for Tessa, it had had the opposite affect. In real life, she had always felt a sense of dysphoria and disassociation from her body, even more so in the digital realm. But actually seeing someone die made her realize that it was the clinging to life that was the source of terror and pain, that after a swift and maddening explosion of suffering, all that followed death was calm and stillness. Death was inevitable and inescapable, but the fear of it was so easy to exploit. And that was what Tessa had been doing since. [color=a187be]"If you're getting restless, we could try to grind a low-level dungeon. Most people are so scared that we probably won't find much competition. We can farm some low-tier materials, because people will still pay out of the nose, even for C-class enchantments."[/color] Regardless of his answer, he could tell he wanted to go after Rael, so she also got up and began packing up her enchanting station.