[center][h2]At the arena[/h2][/center] The commotion at the arena's registration board was getting pretty wild. Nothing else could be expected of a day when none other than the Knights of the Round Table decided to attend the competition. Commemorating their comeback with a brawl was only natural, of course. Especially when no one was supposed to die in the process. Mordred was grinning her usual excited grin. Now that the secret of her identity had been revealed to the whole world to see, she was feeling even more confident than usual. For most of the waiting time she stuck with Gawain and Gareth—teasing the former and doting on the later. Meanwhile, a certain red-haired knight stood in a corner. A sad look could be seen in his face as he turned his sightless-gaze toward his peers. "To think that we would all be able to meet again in a circumstance like this. However, even in the midst of such joy there's sadness to be had. Even if it's not for us," Tristan said as he sat down and began to play a song to pass the time. How very distressing indeed. [center][h2]Othis[/h2][/center] "That does seem awfully convenient," Othis said as Holmes explained the news for her. She finished her breakfast—as well as some early morning work—by the time she heard it and came to the detective's side. "I would like to take a look at this in person indeed. But I think we might have problems getting the authority to investigate the site. Not that I think it'll be an issue for [i]you[/i] of all people to find a way around it," Othis said as she packed a few things in her bag, including a very inconspicuous notebook. "Would you like me call a taxi, or are we going to walk?" She asked while contemplating possible titles for a story based on this. [i]"Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Sunken City, perhaps?"[/i] "Actually, thinking about this. While we are on the way to the port, can I ask what you know about Atlantis, Holmes?"