Naomi was in her P.E class she was wearing her white gym shirt and light blue short shorts and was with her usual class, she kept going over what happened four days ago with the heist that happened and what happened to Euan, she felt it was mostly Farah's fault, she didn't really speak to the techno girl after that moment even though she never really speaks when ever she was around everyone, she was starting to believe that Farah was starting to put them at risk with how she was. Naomi's class started to play Volley ball, and she joined them, but the first chance she had gotten, sh slipped out of the gym room without anyone noticing she was gone. Naomi was going to the Detention room so she could get into the basement and into their lair, she made sure to sneak past the school's cameras carefully and quickly she didn't want to be caught on camera for cutting class, when she was outside of the Detention room she looked around to make sure nobody else was around before she entered, then opened the door quickly and quietly, then closed it quickly when she got in, she walked over to the grandfather clock feeling a bit relaxed to be in a familiar setting, she moved the clock then removed the panel, she moved the clock back and replaced the panel to cover the opening. She started to head lower into their lair, when she was getting close to Farah she could smell the girl, skulked into the galley and stood behind of Techno girl with a stern look on her face, she noticed the alert and was wondering why she wasn't doing anything about it," Starting to slip up now are you ?" Naomi said to Startle Farah. " Now why are you not hurrying to get the team so we can do something about the alert ? I feel that your powers aren't really helping us Farah." she told the Techno girl feeling a little bit angered by her not telling the team about the alert.