[@Reflection][@King Cosmos] [@SSW] [@Manythings] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dEmIJ0l.png[/img] [h1][u][b]Foreign District: Metro Hideaway[/b][/u][/h1] [color=f26522] “I’m afraid we’d have to tell you to look for a girl somewhere else.”[/color] Noon, nodding over at Ywain. Took out his own weapon. Although in this case it was a shield that he took in hand. [color=6ecff6]“Hey.. hey there! I’m not a prize or anything. OR well, at least not for you. It might be different if someone like Ywain asked me, but you don’t seem to have a proper head on your shoulder. Some faeries might like them mad, but this isn’t my type at all.”[/color] She twirled and slipped away curving on her wheels to behind Ywain. Clinging to his back, she peeps out slightly while making sure that the Berserker couldn't see too much of him. A hideaway and impasse that continued until the two Paladins reached their... agreement [color=6ecff6] “Huh wait, you know him?”[/color] The identity? Of the other saber being revealed aside the fact that this madman was… [color=6ecff6]“Besides you’re making a mistake. Faeries don’t live in trees. They live in mounds or lakes.”[/color] A partial truth, a partial lie. All she knew was that she didn’t want to be on a tree strung up by that… guy. [color=6ecff6]“Who said I’m a fairy anyway?”[/color] Oh right an important point. Was there some sort of strange intuition to this man, or was he just that loony that he saw the first little girl or thing and decided to crown it as a fairy? But it seemed like everything was… resolved? [color=f26522]“Ehm.. er… yeah?” [/color]It wasn’t all that easy for him to take the discussion between those two friends and the on the dot switch of directions the Berserker took, but the sheepish smile that rose up on Noon’s face grew more steady until he finally began to walk off. But this time he took Elaine by the hand. [color=6ecff6]“Huh, wh-hey Noon. I can walk by myself you know.”[/color] [color=f26522]“You’re a bit too popular. Here I thought I was the target and master you know. So I’ll just have to protect you like this.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“What kind of teasing is this suppose to be? It’s too… you’re bad at this!”[/color] [color=f26522]“I don’t know. Ywain, you’re good at protecting Faeries, right? What’s your opinion? Maybe I should just carry her on my shoulders?”[/color] [color=6ecff6] “Oh come on.”[/color] She tugged back, but rolled along due to her shoes. Turning towards Saber she stretched out a hand[color=6ecff6] “Waah, I want to roll around!”[/color] To the protests of a local girl, the party soon made their way to the den of their target.