[center][h1][color=silver]Annabelle Irons[/color][/h1] and [img]https://i.imgur.com/eEH78vK.png[/img] (Fragment)[/center] [hr] [center][h3]~Park, The Overcity~[/h3][/center] [color=silver]"...Hah...ah....we...we did it!"[/color] Annabelle said to Summer, her voice croaking with ecstatic excitement as she finished. Snap. Without the altar, this plan of her boss' was already strained barring he...manifest a lot more of himself. But with this strain on the connection, even her own to the body, her original plan was more viable! She hadn't planned this all to happen, given...but it had worked out splendidly! This girl's actions had just saved the planet, perhaps. Slowly, but surely, the corpse and chains began to flicker more and more oddly. Noticing this, the darkness magical girl reached over towards her right shoulder with her left hand, casting a spell to form a blade-like protrusion...and shoved in what little magic she had left to force it to suddenly grow. With a nasty crack and splatter sound, Annabelle's chain arm was cut off from the shoulder, the void-touched girl's face streaming with tears as the metal clanked to the ground. Yet Annabelle's body shuddered itself, no cry or scream, as crimson blood began to flow from the again-stump of a right arm she had. It seemed stupid, foolish...but the arm had its job. And she had done hers... [color=silver]"That should stop...the flickering. I think...we can...go back now."[/color] The white-haired magical girl seemed to wobble a bit as she spoke, however, until she finally fell over onto her side in front of Summer. Her breathing was slowing bit by bit as well, and her arm hairs seemed to bristle as if a chill breeze had just come through. Annabelle, however, merely grinned widely despite it all as she lied upon the white flowers. In fact...they felt rather soft to the touch, a very welcome thing after what had just happened. [color=silver]"Ah..."[/color] Annabelle's magical girl form fizzled out before Summer's eyes, returning to the now one-armed redhead Annabelle usually was otherwise. At the same time, the girl's extremities began to rapidly turn pure black....starting at the fingers and toes. And from these blackened parts began to come off strange black flakes that were take up in the wind. There was one thing she could feel being intact, however, though after she had cut off that arm it had begun to fade. But...well, perhaps she could make good use of it. One more time. [color=silver][i]'Hey there...my knight in shining armor...haha. Seems it all took a bit [i]too[/i] much out of me, i think.....all of this...ah. Not...much time. But we did it on this side...cut the Soth off from the body i mean.'[/i][/color] Annabelle rolled herself onto her back as she communicated to Amaryllis with their waning mental link, looking up to the starry alien sky with her grin still in place. Her eyes seemed weak, even as her body was crumbling before the Beacon girl's very eyes, but even so they still beamed with a sort of energy. That....and perhaps a form of acceptance of things as well. [color=silver][i]'Gotta take a rain check....on any...return trip though. Just ask the girl....who brought me here. But i hope that horror bastard is getting what it deserves. I hope....that Regina....finds peace as well. I just wanna ask one last favor, though... ...Make sure the new girl...doesn't make any of my mistakes...alright?'[/i][/color] With that last message, however, the last of Annabelle's blackened body finally crumbled into black flakes and dust. The wind blowing over the field too picked up the last of the magical girl, tossing and scattering it about the field. And the moonlit alien sky merely watched on...silent, ever waning. [center][h3]~Crypt Ruins, The Graveyard, Penrose~[/h3][/center] As Amaryllis dug her hungry blade into the flesh of the partial manifestation, the fragment of Soth [i]screamed[/i]. It lashed back with its tentacles, fired lasers, roared back in attempted defiance. It, finally, feared for its own life and sought to preserve it like a wild animal. Gone was any prior charisma or subtlety, evaporated was the calm demeanor it had shown before. A god who had brought down into the most meager of mortality. How laughable. Alien blood flew about as the monster's body was torn asunder, inky black and disgusting as it was. The blade that patron'd Amaryllis would drink deep of but this miniscule fragment of Soth, the rich blood of a horror being readily available in this instance. Too did a flurry of metal flying into the fray, slicing into the flesh of the fragmented horror like a cheese grater to a hard block of Parmesan. This being courtesy of Su, of course. Even so, the monster fought back as hard as it could, struggling until...the very end. As Su would approach the Horror to help finish it, it would seem that much of the work was already done. Flesh scattered in bits about the open-air crypt ruins, alien fluids all over the place, and frankly one now very dirty magical girl. Severed tentacles, some at least, attempted to writhe about upon the ground to do something as a couple severed eyes weakly attempted to looked about. All that remained at this point of the main body was a modest lump of flesh, a couple tentacles and eyes left upon it. It was no larger than the size of a basketball. At the same time, however, the corpse underneath a white sheet, and Annabelle's chain arm, would finally stop flickering. Their forms became solid once more, clanking to the floor of the platform gently as they landed once more. [hr] [center][color=6A5ACD][h1]???[/h1][/color][/center] [i]Where...where was this? No, what was this?! Everything was so dark, so cold...was this death? It was like an icy chill, sinking into the depths of one's very being. It was like they were sinking into a lake, weighted down and dissolving like a grain of salt. It was...it was [i]terrifying[/i]! Was this what mortals felt at the end?! It had merely wanted to walk in the shoes of mortals! It had wanted to smell the flowers, feel the breeze upon itself, and understand that perspective! It had been bored, so very bored, but why did this mean it had to die like this?!?![/i] [color=F0E68C][i]'You are an evil being, that which should be smitten into nothingness. But for you inability to ever understand, it is pitiable. Thus, in this one case, i shall offer you compassion this day.'[/i][/color] [i]Wait, what was that voice? It was...warm, yes that was the appropriate word it knew for that. But compassion? Was this one of those mystifying things mortals showed called 'emotion'? Was it what that seemingly meaningless drivel that dragon girl had shown for its champion, and the champion in return???[/i] [color=F0E68C][i]'Yes, this emotion is called 'love', or 'affection'. It is one aspect of mortal life that shape nations and even shake the world. I offer this to you, however, but at a price. Your penance, the penance for those many worlds that have been laid waste...and living things defiled by you. You will understand, but you shall suffer for it in order to know any peace. So, let your mind be shaped by mine, let your will be forged by my own. I shall reincarnate your mind into that which you have so desired. Yet in return you shall live as a magical girl for all eternity, never to escape this fate. My spark shall glow brightly within with great light inside of you, but in return you cannot escape those memories you bear nor knowledge of your many sins and deeds.'[/i][/color] [i]It...it didn't want to fade into the darkness! It didn't want to end on this note! There had to be more, something, anything, and if this was the price,, then it could only accept-![/i] [color=F0E68C][i]'Good, good. Let your consciousness be bathed in the light, let your fate be forged by my will. You shall care for that which your sins have made to be born! And [b]awaken[/b], reborn anew!'[/i][/color] [hr] [center][color=FF1493][h1]???[/h1][/color][/center] [color=brown][i]'CREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK'[/i][/color] [i]Wait, what? Who was that? Wait....who was she?![/i] [color=brown][i]'CREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK, CREEEEEEEEEAK CREEEEEEEAKKK RATTLE'[/i][/color] [i]Decide for yourself? That seemed to be the message. But-...Sophia? Was...it didn't seem to be a bad name, at least. She knew nothing else. The idea just popped into her mind. Wait, were they in her mind?![/i] [color=brown][i]'RATTLE RATTLE CREEEEEAAAAAK'[/i][/color] [i]Yes, that didn't mean it wasn't real, she supposed. But was this thing wanting with her, and why couldn't it speak proper-[/i] [color=brown][i]'CREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK....CREAK RATTLE CREAK!'[/i][/color] [i]Oh...well that made a lot of sense, actually. Ships couldn't talk, after all. But a magical girl? Did she even have a choice?[/i] [color=brown][i]'CREAK CREAK, CREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK. RATTLE RATTLE!'[/i][/color] [i]So a monster doesn't try to take over my body or worse? Er...that seemed rather fair. In fact, that 'killing monsters' thing sounded pretty good too. Well...why not then? She had to make a choice to, er, get anywhere. And not...not being alone would be very nice as well.[/i] [color=brown][i]'CREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAKKKKKK~'[/i][/color] [i]Alright, alright! Quit with that damned racket! You are excited, but these are only my first steps, you know? Yours too, it seems.[/i] [hr] [center][h1][color=FF1493]???[/color] and [color=6A5ACD]???[/color][/h1][/center] The Collector's mirror would merely suck in some of the mortal flesh of what had been a fragment of a horror. A bright flash of light seemed to consume the crypt ruins, radiant and beautiful as much as it was blinding. Not the body under the sheet or remaining chunk of the now-lesser horror visible. The feeling the light gave was...warm, however, and soft. Those among Beacon would find its sensation to be familiar, perhaps, as they looked upon its glow or basked in it. As the light faded, however, a surprise was left for those at or otherwise looking upon the scene: [center][hider=A redheaded pirate (not the same weapons as in this pic), rings adorning her fingers and a shotgun-boarding axe kind of implement held in one of her hands.][img]https://i.imgur.com/aMAJJgJ.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=An then a silver-haired maid, knives sheathed on her thighs, sitting on the ground where the basketball-sized chunk of the fragmented horror had once been.][img]https://i.imgur.com/BRaxypC.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=FF1493]"What the bloody hell is goin' on here, ya landlubber?"[/color] the pirate girl called out, rubbing her head as the white sheet from before covered the lower half of her body, looking around at the same time, [color=FF1493]"Name's Sophia von Zeerover, and apparently a flyin' ghost ship has contracted me to...'keep that asshole Soth away' or somethin'? Blast it all, i just need some food right now...though i gotta say i at least got ta' appear by a cutie~"[/color] The maid girl, on the other hand, seemed...a bit nervous? She seemed a bit scared, even, as she looked about at the people in the crypt ruins after glancing at the pirate girl. [color=6A5ACD]"A-A-Ah!!!..ah...sorry...oohhhhhh all of the emotions are hitting at once....,"[/color] she said, speaking with her voice low where it was harder to hear, before hiding her face in her hands, [color=6A5ACD]"A-Ah...m-m-my name i-is...S-Serenity G-Gates..."[/color]