[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190105/2028f5823d09311584fb94c19898505c.png[/img][/center] [hr] [right]Interacting With: [@NorthernKraken][/right] There was a ringing in Eliza's head, made worse by the way it spun in circles. The client had just punched Nyssa square in the face, after shouting to the Mother that she was Colin's sister. Colin had a sister? Had he mentioned this before? She couldn't recall, she lacked the focus necessary to do so. She watched blank-faced as Nyssa walked away, collected despite having been hit brutally. Had she just threatened the client...again? She really needed to be talked to about that. There were more important things to go over, though. Later, because Colin...where was he? Colin had escaped her, she was no longer supporting him. A hiss, and a heavily pained noise that had undoubtedly come from her charge. Moments passed, where she was still in a daze before everything came back into clarity. Suddenly hyperaware, she sprang towards Colin. Kate had since walked away, so this was her opportunity to console him, and maybe, just maybe, get some form of an answer. Not daring to touch him lest he pull away in a moment of spite, she instead offered him a gentle look that she hoped would feel similar to the warmth of a hug. [color=A187BE]"Guess running from a sibling is as good of an excuse as any."[/color] She forced a chuckle, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. [color=A187BE]"Are you alright, Colin? I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you. Seems she did mean to hurt Nyssa, though."[/color] It was at this point that she realized both women were heading in the same direction. Unfortunately, she couldn't just leave Colin. He looked more like a frightened animal at this point than the brave yellow he was supposed to be. She realized that she'd have to talk him down before she did anything else.