[h2][i][color=F08080]Kay Clarke[/color][hr][sup][sub]New Orleans, Louisiana - Willie Mae's Scotch House[/sub][/sup][/i][/h2] [color=F08080][i]Another day, another rift, and another step closer to finding out what was happening with the world- and hopefully, how we can use it all to our own advantage.[/i][/color] This was the thought on Kay's mind as she dropped the still-glowing butt of her cigarette onto the pavement, and snuffed it out with a small twist of her heel. This was why she was here- why any of them were here. A rift had opened up in the middle of the Bayou, and she was going to be one of the first to explore it. She walked into the restaurant, and almost instantly began salivating at the smell of the place. [color=F08080][i]So, so happy we decided to meet up here.[/i][/color] She thought to herself as she waited at the "Please wait to be seated" sign for someone to come over. Shortly enough, a middle-aged woman with dark skin and a kind smile came over and greeted her. "Hey there darling! All the tables are full at the moment but a seat should open up soon enough for ya. Lots a people come and go pretty quickly this time of day." Kay heard the thought in the waitress's mind before she'd even said anything, but waiting until people actually said something was usually a better way of communicating- especially when the other person doesn't know about your power. [color=F08080]"I'm not alone actually- I'm just the first one here. I think we reserved a spot under the name Suivu Sev?"[/color] Kay spoke cheerfully, returning the Waitress's smile the whole time. [color=F08080]"I can wait for the rest of us to arrive, but they shouldn't really be very long."[/color] She felt the thoughts rush through the woman's mind as she picked out the best way to deal with this. "Just give me a moment darling, I think We can handle this." And with that Kay watched her walk off into the sea of tables and people. She wasn't gone very long, just like she'd said. When she got back she pointed Kay to a table with only one person sitting at it, and explained how they'd be sharing. [color=F08080]"Oh that's perfectly fine!"[/color] Kay grinned. [color=F08080]"The more the merrier, right?"[/color] The older woman just waved her off. "I'll head on over in a bit to take all your orders, once your friends get here." Kay made her way over to the table, and greeted the man already sitting there. He was big- muscular and definitely taller than her, though there were very few people who weren't with her mere five feet. In spite of his physical stature though, he had a calm look in his eyes. [color=F08080]"Nice to know there's so many kind people left in the world."[/color] She started, giving the man a small smile. [color=F08080]"My name's Kay. I hope my colleagues and I won't be bothering you too much."[/color] She took a seat next to the man, facing the doorway so she would see when anyone else in her group came in so she could wave them over. After a few minutes, a face she'd only seen in pictures up until now appeared, and she called out to him as he looked around the restaurant. [color=F08080]"Hey Daichi! Over here!"[/color] [hr] [@HereComesTheSnow][@KoL][@TheWindel][@PKMNB0Y]