[hr][hr][h3][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/2vl07rl.png[/img][/h3][hr][center][img]Image For RP[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=olivedrab][center]Premise[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] While the universe we knew unraveled into nonexistence, the human race was rescued by interdimensional beings that took us to a [i]new[/i] universe, one with thousands of other species already living and thriving in it. We were given a small planet on the outskirts of a large solar system, and we started rebuilding our society. We named the planet "Artemis" after the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom. The name would serve to remind of all we had lost, and to remind us to be wise and not make the same mistakes that led to our home's doom again. We have struggled to adjust to the ways of aliens around us, but they aren't our only problems. From within the humans, some of our leaders have become corrupt and drunk for power, putting harsh restrictions on their citizens in the name of "keeping our planet safe," but really it's to gain more money and power for themselves. Tens of thousands of years of human history, and still we fall prey to the same primitive and selfish desires. From this oppression and abuse of power a rebellion has sprung forth. It is small, to be sure, but throughout the solar system small groups of humans (and some of our sympathetic neighbors) have grown tired of their lives being controlled. Among this rebellion, a phrase is whispered. [i]"Veritas lux mea,"[/i] or "truth is my light." This is the name painted on the side of the flagship of the rebellion. To the naked eye, it is simply a normal ship used for minor criminal activities. Smuggling, transporting less than reputable people to rendezvous of a less than reputable nature, and other things of the like. If one were to join the crew, however, they would find a group of people who are working towards a greater purpose. It is on this ship that our story takes place. Can the rebellion gain enough numbers to make a difference? Will humans be forced to live under the rule of oppressive leaders forever? Is there a darker, more sinister plan that our heroes have yet to discover? Only time will tell. [hr][center][img]Image For RP[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][i][color=olivedrab][center]Overview[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=olivedrab]Setting: Sci-fi/western[/color][/b] [b][color=olivedrab]Time Frame: 526 A.E.[/color][/b] [b][color=olivedrab]Type Of RP: Casual[/color][/b] [hr][hr]