[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SJS4Ur5.png?1[/img][/center] [sub][hr][/sub][COLOR=#81CFFF][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Metropolis, DE, United States [/I] - [I]Present[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #1.01:[/b] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Don't Flinch[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub] [color=silver][indent][indent][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/Krj0Z5e.png[/img][/indent] Word of mouth traveled fast. Kara had thought she had taken up a “low profile” when she arrived in Metropolis, but the nature of her powers kind of made skulking in the shadows a little difficult. From the Fortress to the present, everything was a blur. She wondered if other superheroes had trouble processing their past encounters. As she flipped her finger across her phone she explored the twitter feed while the sounds of the world screamed at her at a million miles-per-hour. Sounds in Gotham. Sounds in California. Sounds in England and in Transia. Of all of her weird space powers she had gotten used to, the super hearing was the worst of it; and filtering out the noise was still rather difficult despite the fact it was very close to being a year since she first spoke to Kelex. A few months since Johnathan Corben of the Daily Planet called her “Supergirl” and Magaret Tempest began giving her all the free press she could ever want on twitter. She wasn’t sure how much press she wanted. Some of the comments were pretty nasty. But the world was pretty nasty these days. [COLOR=#81CFFF]“Well, lunch break’s over.”[/color] Kara uttered under her breath putting her phone away in an instant. Maybe faster than an instant. As Kara bolted into the sky like a rocket, she kept her eyes on the vast expanse of the city below. Her first term in college was to begin in the fall – at the University of Metropolis – and she still wasn’t sure where this was going to lead to. Between digging into Kryptonian culture and the whole superhero thing, the smaller things that were important had slipped her mind for a moment. As the daughter of two worlds, it almost felt like she was juggling far more than two. Sometimes it felt like four or five; and that wasn’t getting into the fact she was still getting used to her powers. She wasn’t even old enough to drink beer, so how could she contemplate policing the world, applying for college, keeping an eye on the news, and coming to terms with the fact there had been no traces of Kal or his pod on the entire planet? Honestly, she should’ve just taken the superhero thing slow and not jumped into it like a bat out of hell. That had been a mistake. But it was a little late to reconsider her approach now. There was only going forward from now on. [/indent][/indent][/color]