Hannah smiled at Alex, "Thank you and I will." She could feel the power of the beasts she had bested in her world just under her skin. That was the real reason she had been stumbling and having so many issues here. It was all so close to the surface and she hadn't had that in what felt like years. She took the bubble from Katalina "Thank you. Save the school, it's a good place." She briefly wondered what was going on there and how much time had really passed. Katalina jumped, the number dropped to 2. Christopher gave Hanna a nod and followed. A blazing 1 was left as was Kade and Hannah alone on the tower. "I shouldn't let you do this." "You don't have a choice." "I know. Your parent's?" "They don't care about me. Tell them I ran away. The lies will reassure them." "Elenore?" "Give her my thanks. She saved my life." Kade nodded and pulled Hannah quickly into a tight hug. "Be safe." And he turned and jumped. What happened to Hannah was now anyone's guess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (Of sorts) Sumi would have let out a whoop if she hadn't just left her friend behind. Instead, the fall was made in silence. There were drafts that pulled at her and for a while, it was nothing but darkness and wind. She did hear the others falling behind her. "Alexander!" She yelled back hoping he had followed. "Have the wind take us to the Index line!" This was a place Hannah would have loved. She would have been able to shift here, Sumi knew it. The walls between worlds were the thinnest here. Technically speaking Alexander might even be able to have the winds take them right back into his world, but then they would be there and unable to fix the problem.