[hider=Rshell@service.taiwan.gov.tw] [b][color=1a7b30]Webmaster@service.taiwan.gov.tw:/var/data/archive$[/color] mget -i * /root/Desktop/Taiwan/getrekt/ [color=fff200]Loading... [▮▮..........................] [▮▮▮▮▮▮...................] [▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮.....] [▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮] Done[/color] [color=1a7b30]Webmaster@service.taiwan.gov.tw:/var/data/archive$[/color] sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root [s][h3]CONNECTION TERMINATED[/h3][/s][/b][/hider] [hider=#DragonScythe1339] [b][color=Plum]OffByNone[/color] [sup]today at 5:27 PM[/sup][/b] Done. You guys owe me. [b][color=LightCoral]ReduxJSReact[/color] [sup]today at 5:27 PM[/sup][/b] You sure you hit the right guys? Double check the IP and make sure it was =PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [b][color=Plum]OffByNone[/color] [sup]today at 5:28 PM[/sup][/b] Yeah yeah, real funny. Just get the DDoS underway at [b][color=LightCoral]ReduxJSReact[/color] [sup]today at 5:28 PM[/sup][/b] ?????????????????? I mean okay but I thought the IP was... hold on let me check Yeah the IP was WAAAIIIT A MINUTE. thAT'S A DIRTY TRICK! [b][color=Plum]OffByNone[/color] [sup]today at 5:28 PM[/sup][/b] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I expect the cash by this time tomorrow if you want these files. [b][color=LightCoral]ReduxJSReact[/color] [sup]today at 5:29 PM[/sup][/b] Yeah, give me a sec. Droxyl is sending it tomorrow morning. Time zones, I guess. [b][color=Plum]OffByNone[/color] [sup]today at 5:32 PM[/sup][/b] Yeah, I guess. As long as he doesn't forget this time. Anyway, I have stuff to do. [b][color=LightCoral]ReduxJSReact[/color] [sup]today at 5:33 PM[/sup][/b] Alright None. Seeya later. [/hider] [h3] SECURE STREAM ACCESS. PASSWORD? [color=ed1c24]**********[/color] ACCESS GRANTED CONNECTING... CONNECTION ESTABLISHED. TRANSCRIBE? (Y/N) [color=ed1c24]Y[/color] TRANSCRIBING FEED. PLEASE WAIT... [/h3] OffByNone slid back in their leather swivel chair and wiped a bead of sweat off their face. [color=Plum]Ugh, that was painful. But let's see who has you in their back pocket, Taiwan...[/color] As soon as the cursor hovered over the newly created blackmail folder, an email notification popped up under the mouse, redirecting OffByNone to Outlook. [color=Plum]Nonono— agh! What is this??[/color] [hider=site:@Outlook.com] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oqsHGj5.png[/img] [/hider] OffByNone looked at the email in confusion. Not only had this sender known about Dragon Scythe's campaign against the Taiwanese government, but this "Elder" had somehow managed to get a hold of their personal email as well. And there was a Discord link as well. https://discord.gg/R7aQXMt ...Discord? Well, OffByNone had a Discord, but had never seen anyone use it for any kind of underground operation. A prank? But still, how would "Elder" know about the mission? Redux pulling a prank? But Redux didn't have access to this email address. The VPN was active, so what harm could it really do? The next moment, the left button on the mouse depressed and data began to travel throughout the ever-expansive labyrinth of networking equipment, streaming into the cramped and stuffy bedroom. OffByNone had entered Th3_Calm.