The day had been rather long - which was mostly accounted to the fact that her day had started around 4 o'clock in the morning. That was early, even for herself. And it had taken a toll on her, dragging on until the evening. At least she finally had some free time. And it seemed like a good enough excuse to fiddle around with a few things. The door fell shut behind her, she flinged her bag and jacket in the direction where they belonged and mad her way to her office. Workshop. A little bit of both. The small room was filled with two desks, one holding her set up with monitors, computers and the required switches to just change to which system the peripherical devices would send information. The other held a multitude of devices and parts and tools, a few mats and a general nice set of chaos. She knew how things were.. stapled and usually when she did not have a sensible project that was enough. Plopping into her chair she turned on the laptop and watched the boot information flickering over her screen. She entered her credentials, waited for the VPN to turn on, checked a few things and opened up her browser and email. The... usual. Originally she had planned to read up on a few things, but scrolling through her email one caught her eye. [i]Th3 Calm[/i], sent from [i]The Elder[/i]. She had never heard anything of that kind - but you get used to obscure mails so before deleting it she at least gave it a read. [hider=Th3 Calm] [hr] [color=CCCCCC][b]Th3 Calm[/b] from [b]The Elder[/b][/color] [hr] [color=BFBFBF] [sub]Good morning P0isonApp1e, neat trick replaying a static loop into the camera system. They did not like to find someone had stolen a good bit of money and left a graffiti right were the camera pointed. You heard they were suing against the camera's manufacturers? They somehow got a note informing them it was a known vulnerability. Clever. Would you like to know some more, clever people? There is a little group of them, you should join. Hope to see you there. https[i]:[/i]//discord[i].[/i]gg/R7aQXMt[/sub] [/color] [hr] [/hider] For a while she just stared at it. She checked the time. Even the right greeting for the timezone. Crap. What was this about? And Discord?! The got damn game chat? She had never heard of anyone using Discord in such a setting - and there were rather absurd things she heard of. Capture the flag on remote computers. She grinned when her mind swung back to that, then starred at it again. In the end she shrugged. It sounded interesting enough. And either damage was already done - as the mail managed things not anyone knew of - or it was safe enough to follow the link without fearing damage. She copied the link, made sure to have a number of intermediate hops, opened the site, created an account and just a moment later P0isonApp1e had joined the channel to see where things were going. Silently. On the side she also finally opened the website she had actually planned to visit, to catch up on a few things that had happened in the last hours, maybe days.