[center][h2][b][color=20B2AA] Jandar Varan [/color][/b][/h2][h3][color=20B2AA]The attic, Root's Teeth, Dhemlan Terreille[/color][/h3][/center] Jandar followed the Opal witch, not particularly caring what Gendry thought of it all or whether he was following closely or not. The Kaeleer native noticed that it grew progressively dustier as they proceeded up a stairwell toward the attic, and automatically checked for tracks. As the witch opened the heavy door, they got a good look into the attic, but there was only the loud sound of rain and a bunch of deserted furniture around. There were absolutely no signs of life - not any recent ones, in any case. Jandar nonetheless entered the room after the witch, glancing around. [color=20B2AA]“I’m not up ‘ere to get to [i]know ‘er[/i],”[/color] he mimicked mockingly, a ‘you dolt’ implied with his tone only. [color=20B2AA]“I’m [i]searchin’[/i] for the damn pouch. Not sure why you so scared when it's [i]my[/i] neck on the line,”[/color] he grumbled sourly. Though he’d addressed Gendry, Jandar had not even turned to look at the other male, instead thoroughly inspecting the attic visually, then moving to quickly check through the furniture (with a focus on the already disturbed chests and the old sleeping places), knocking on the walls and floor here and there to see if there were any lose floor-boards with hidey-holes beneath them. All in all, the search was rather superficial and quick, however. [color=20B2AA]“Weren’t any tracks – wif all the dust we’d’ve seen some if anyone’d been ‘ere,”[/color] he explained. He causally moved around the room as if looking for any signs that would indicate otherwise. The meandering, minute-long trip of this final check-up led him seemingly naturally very close to the Opal witch, where he stopped for a bit right in front of her. [color=20B2AA]“Lucky for us you ain't cleanin' the place no proper, eh, witchlin'?”[/color] he asked mockingly, gazing at her steadily. He gently placed a hand around one of her wrists (his left on her right), as if he either wanted to measure her pulse or was simply keen on touching her. [color=20B2AA]“Plenty 'elpful, that,”[/color] he uttered entirely nonchalantly, though his neutral tone was belied both by the intensity of his gaze as he met her eyes directly as well as by an incredibly subtle gesture – his last three words were accompanied by a light tap-tap on her wooden tray (with his left thumb) followed by a jerk of his whole left arm into a shrug that he [i]hoped[/i] would indicate to her he [i]wanted[/i] her to have a go at Gendry. Though whether the witch would understand that or not was questionable. Now that her wrist was free once again, he moved behind the witch in a slow, predatory, almost sensual manner. Standing behind her, Jandar placed an encouraging hand on the witch’s back, his gaze flicking to check on Gendry and what the Prince was doing, then to the attic's exit with a mild frown as he considered the time that yet remained for him to try and discover the pouch's contents in private. [color=20B2AA]“Time to go to the next place, innit?”[/color] He slowly breathed out a sigh, his breath disturbing a few of the female’s hairs due to how close he was standing to her. [color=20B2AA]“Let’s go to the next ‘idin place, eh?”[/color] As he said this, he cocked his head at Gendry, then the stairs, as if encouraging him to ‘go on, then’ – and it honestly would be [i]incredibly[/i] helpful if the Purple Dusk Prince would be the first one to head down, though Jandar couldn’t count on that. The worst that could happen now…well, actually, in this very moment, there was the possibility of the witch attacking [i]him[/i] rather than Gendry, which would endanger them both significantly more than they already were. Jandar could only pray to Mother Night that the Opal witch would do what would be the most beneficial to him, and subsequently to her as well. He gave a reassuring push to the Opal witch's back, then stepped away to give her some space and let her do as she would. Yet, he was keeping a close watch on the situation, tense and ready for any hints of trouble, whether that would be trouble to him or trouble to the Prince. If there were no trouble yet, he could still simply head to wherever the witch took them next, and craft another plan.