Callum scratched his head. [i]It's one of those folk, huh.[/i] Callum did have his own views on the matter, though he wasn't eloquent enough to express it, and couldn't be bothered enough to have a sudden philosophical discussion. Plus, he was hardly one to be swayed by said discussion, so what gives? "Just umm, think of it as self-expression." He said simply, and left it at that. Hopefully that should suffice and tide him over. Psychics. He had heard all sorts of strange and rather unsettling things about psychics gone awry. Expending too much of their mind, throwing their own sanity out of wack. Subjugating people into living puppets, or just convincing them to do terrible deeds with a whisper. Probably all false, though his family loved to toot that horn. And now, he was offered a hand by one he just met. [i]Eh, what's the worst that could happen?[/i] He took it.