[center][color=dc143c][h3]Kris Maxwell[/h3] ⇝ Dark Eyes ⇜ ⇝👁 [url=https://youtu.be/7Sbcm-Hb8Sk]DISTRUST[/url] 👁⇜[/color][/center] [hr] While nursing his headache and debating whether or not to watch some videos and use up the last of his data for the month, a voice made Kris look up from the floor. He really didn’t mean to glare at the girl who approached him, but his face wasn’t exactly sweet-looking on his best days, and the ache in his temple wasn’t helping at all. Realizing this, he tried to smooth out his expression, because while he never claimed to be friendly, he didn’t want to come off as an asshole for no reason. Especially when the person in question was offering tissues for his face, which must have still been stained with red. It took a second for him to formulate a response; all that came out of his mouth was, [color=dc143c]“Oh. Uh, thanks. Th-thank you.”[/color] He took a tissue and wiped his face off, trying to forget how awkward he sounded. Once he was sure his face was clean, he looked back up at the girl and froze. Behind her was… well, something. It looked vaguely humanoid, but shining like the inside of a diamond. Honestly, it was a beautiful sight, but that was overshadowed by just how damn [i]weird[/i] it was. Kris didn’t say anything, but the shock was written on his face. [hr] [@Aviaire]