With the party done with their business, Wendy made sure to address everyone's final questions and concerns. First she turned to Celina. [b]"Don't worry little one, us pelipers are born to do this! It might be a bit of a tight fit thanks to my packages, but there should be more than enough room for all of you. Don't worry, I've hauled heavier things than a bunch of children in my beak. Just try not to jostle anything too much."[/b] Vi asked if she could fly with Wendy. She pondered this and nodded her head. [b]"I don't see why not. In fact why don't both of you fly with me? These winds would normally be too dangerous for you two to fly alone, but that's nothing for me! As long as you stay within my tailwind, nothing short of a tornado ought to blow us off our path. Just remember to stay close. I'll move slow so you can keep up too."[/b] With all's said and done, Wendy allowed the young pokemon to load up into her beak, then took off. Vi and Celina, if she chooses to fly with Wendy, might have a hard time due to the strong winds but once Wendy lined up with them her massive body made a great windbreaker. The flight to the farm house was thankfully uneventful, not even any murkrows came chasing after them. Flying over the forest seemed almost peaceful aside from the occasional thunderclap. They would travel for roughly a mile before they spot the farm house, which had a bright light emitting from it's window. Standing outside was [url=http://static.pokemonpets.com/images/monsters-images-800-800/8560-Mega-Scrafty.png]scruffy looking pokemon[/url] holding a rather large rock. [b]"Oi! Who are you!? Git off mah property, ya damn bandit!"[/b] Wendy however lowered herself about thirty feet away from the rock-wielding pokemon, raising her wings up in a manner to show that she was harmless. After letting the other pokemon go she spoke up. [b]"Don't want any trouble sir! I'm just a humble courier. I got ambushed on my travels by murkrows before these kind children saved me. Their parents are gone, please could you let them stay here?"[/b] The scruffy pokemon lowered his rock a little but still seemed on edge. [b]"Courier huh? What's your package then huh? Don't you know this place has been storming for two weeks straight now?"[/b] Wendy peered at the farm house before her face lit up. [b]"Ah, this is the Greencrest Farm, isn't it? I actually do have a letter for you sir!"[/b] She took out an envelope from her bill, surprisingly dry and crumpled. She approached the thuggish pokemon, distracting him for a moment. As Wendy was doing her best to calm down the aggressive homesteader, the others may notice something inside of the farmhouse itself. A few pokemon watching with a hint of concern. One appeared to be some sort of [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130903033316/leonhartimvu/images/archive/c/c5/20131102040241!427_Buneary_Shiny.png]rabbit with pink fur[/url] looking particularly shy. Another was something akin to a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2b/7c/69/2b7c69febe864df2fc56e652a58f803b.jpg]black bear with very pointy ears[/url], and it seemed to be chewing on something. The last pokemon the others would have the clearest view of since it wasn't even trying to hide. It was a very [url=https://img09.deviantart.net/6b7e/i/2011/011/5/3/kirlia_by_mrrandell-d36ykh5.png]strange humanoid looking pokemon[/url], with what could be described as a white shirt, green hair, and two red horns coming out of it's head. They were watching everything happen outside. After Wendy and the rock-wielding pokemon exchanged letters, he seemed notably calmer now that he knows this isn't a distraction. However he did still seem concerned about something as he looked to the group of young pokemon. [b]"... Tch. Can't be helped. Fine, you lot can stay here fer now, but know that I'm going to be strict on food! We barely have nuff fer just my family, an I didn't expect to have to feed seven more mouths. Anyways come inside I don't like being wet like this."[/b]