[hider=Sovereign][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Sovereign, Olgoi-Khorkhoi, Death Worm [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/410677580518129674/580416657906728960/maxresdefault.png[/img] Sovereign entertains an offer from a human. [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Sovereign is a sand-colored giant annelid. The coloration helps blend in within a desert environment. Extremely dense musculature helps him burrow deep into sand or even urban environments. What prevents it from being crushed underneath is a flexible exoskeleton-like exterior. [b][u]Size:[/u][/b] He is approximately 400 meters long, give or take. The width of the giant sandworm is at least thrice as much as an ordinary bus or around 40 meters long. [b][u]First Appearance:[/u][/b] Though he was preferring to stay behind the scenes, Terra eventually discovered him after persistently tracking the deserts across the globe. While it did not attack the team, it merely "spoke" to them telepathically. "You finally found me. What took you mammals so long?" Then the realization hit some of them. The monster was more intelligent than it seemed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to devour any of you." Whether or not this was an act of mercy remains to be seen. At the time, the motives were too inscrutable to decide for certain. [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] Most of Sovereign's abilities are psionic in nature. However, given that he is a sandworm, Sovereign can burrow underground. Telekinesis: While Sovereign lacks limbs, he compensates for it by using some telekinesis. It acts as an invisible pair of arms. Telepathic communication: Sovereign can communicate with other sapient/intelligent beings via telepathy. Inculcation: On weaker minded organic beings, he can slowly yet steadily take control. Hallucination induction: Sovereign's telepathy can also induce hallucinations. This is mostly used to project an avatar when communicating with humans. So instead of seeing Sovereign as some big scary worm, they see a form they are more comfortable with. Psychic perception: As an extension of his telepathy, Sovereign is able to perceive the world around him. While it doesn't seem like he has visible sensory organs, tiny psionic nodes allow Sovereign to perceive the environment. This is especially important for whenever he burrows. [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] While Sovereign is powerful in the psionics department, he's physically fragile. Plus [b]all[/b] of his psionic abilities are limited by the laws of physics. Telekinesis for instance cannot lift kaiju from the ground, has only a limited range, and can only block so many attacks. In other words, this means his psionics are by no means magic spells. Logically speaking, inorganic material is unaffected by the inculcation. Strong minds too can resist or even have immunity to the abilities. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] What makes him insidious is not might, but his manipulative demeanor. Sovereign is fully sapient and often communicates with humans he has inculcated. With his goals in mind, Sovereign doesn't see humans as prey but as pawns instead. The sapient sandworm has a vision of bringing order to the planet, even it means throttling it into submission. Sovereign isn't stupid though, a psionic sandworm certainly knows how to bide his time. When it comes to his human servants, he harshly punishes failure. However, he lavishly rewards great success. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] While it did not appear until around 2020, Sovereign has been behind the scenes for quite a while. One scheme even manipulated the infamous Genghis Khan into starting conquest and slaughter. Even before that, the sandworm was behind the rises and falls of many desert civilizations. According to Sovereign himself, he has no beginning or end. He just simply is. Rumor has it that he has formed a secret cult to enable a more subtle approach on humanity. Sovereign was able to evade the masses for so long thanks to his abilities and resources. By no means impulsive, the long game was planned out ever since the 1000s. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Yes, he is inspired not just by Dune, but also by THAT Sovereign from Mass Effect. The reason why Sovereign is referred to as a male is due to an extremely deep "voice" when communicating. [b][u]Theme:[/u][/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEc1OTFaWnI[/youtube][/hider]