[center][h2][color=7bcdc8][b]Mikeil Thae-Arasté[/b][/color][/h2][hr][/center][hider= ][center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c1d78d11-8fb3-49fe-8ed3-45594914b98b/dd76nkq-7607c4a8-652f-4ad4-874e-b5c72ff9746d.jpg/v1/fill/w_816,h_979,q_70,strp/choir_by_victorbang_dd76nkq-pre.jpg[/img] [b]Soul / Stamina[/b] 20 / 20[/center] [indent][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Mikail stands at 6’2 and weighs roughly 210 lbs with a well muscled, but far from grotesque build hidden beneath his cloak. His cloak is rather unique and while it does not possess any unique boons it does open in four parts, allowing ease of movement in addition to it concealing his armor and armaments. His wings glow with a faint white-blue light and are almost always kept wrapped around his torso and beneath his arms, their like being thin enough so as not to impede his movement. Beneath his cloak and armor is protective, faintly scaled, flesh which reveals the reasoning behind his lack of heavier armor. His hookswords are held in a harness on his back crossed over one another with the handles near his waist while his chain weapon is wrapped in a circle and held firmly on the right side of his belt. Beyond this it is worth noting that his elbows possess armor-like spikes due to his tyro ancestry, while his white hair and pale flesh--upon close inspection--shimmers and [i]burns[/i] faintly, his body lit with an inner fire. [u][b]Blood%:[/b][/u] 100%. [indent][hider=40% Seraph][i][b]40%+:[/b] Large angelic wings allowing flight. [b]30%+:[/b] Small wings on the back to allow even swifter movements x2 speed. [b]20%+:[/b] Can see the souls of those before them. [b]10%+:[/b] Naturally lighter and a bit swifter.[/i][/hider][hider=40% Tyro][i][b]40%+:[/b] Resistant to normal fires. Fire breathe that reach up to 12 feet. Can sense the heat off of others up to 5 meters around you. 2 soul cost [b]30%+:[/b] Resistant to basic heats. [b]20%+:[/b] You are resistant to basic heats almost entirely. [b]10%+:[/b] You can resist the most basic of heats. Cooking doesn't burn you that often.[/i][/hider][hider=10% Sol][i][b]10%+:[/b] Resistance to bright lights.[/i][/hider][hider=10% Dragon][i][b]10%+:[/b] Scales that are scattered on the body that are fairly tough.[/i][/hider] [/indent] [u][b]Items:[/b][/u] 40 Gold. [hider=30 gold][i][u]Leather Armor:[/u][/i] A full set of leather armor with steel gauntlets. No helm.[/hider][hider=20 gold][center][img]https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/24ab3aa54a2ee1cc4d50da4d52ebd454/5D6A7151/t51.2885-15/e35/26072886_2027991160749908_5160421756107751424_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com[/img][/center] [i][u]Senh & Drei:[/u][/i] A pair of steel hook swords.[/hider][hider=10 gold][center][img]http://site.shinobikaiuk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Kusarifundo-01.jpg[/img][/center] [i][u]Thrann:[/u][/i] A long metal chain connected two 10 lb weights.[/hider] [hider=Special abilities]Perhaps one day.[/hider] [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] Must about Mikeil’s past is unknown as he is rather tight lipped about it all, preferring not to give away his secrets. However, as he has spent more time in the Champion’s Town it has become apparent that he is a well trained combatant and--likely--a mixed breed if his strange features are anything to go by. As he carries himself with a sort of haughty superiority it stands to reason that wherever he may have come from valued the mixing of blood more than its purity. So it is that rumors circulate about the man without a past. Of course, his name is something of a hint...now isn’t it. After all, the Thae-Araste family is of a reasonably wealthy sort, though no one is quite sure why…. [center][i]May update history in time.[/i][/center][/indent][/hider]