[color=6ecff6][/color][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/smile-of-the-ocean-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190518/6d22b8d7c21f48ede51f5640103840b4.png[/img][/url] An hour passed and Kira was starting to get restless. Pacing the floor back and forth in her room like a wild animal. After the 4th hour of being trapped within the room, Kira became enraged and started talking to herself" ok..wanna treat me like an animal. [color=6ecff6] I'm going to act like a FUCKING ANIMAL![/color]" she screamed and started to trash her room. She went for the lamp on her desk, grabbing hold of it and went to chuck it across the room. It wouldn't budge.[color=6ecff6]" Wha- what the fuck! Is it glued down! GAH!" [/color] She went around the room testing the various objects. Everything was either nailed down or glued, all but her bedding and mattress. She flipped the mattress and tossed her sheets. She looked around the room finding her outburst rather unsatisfying. She gave up and plopped down on the mattress that now laid on the floor and went to sleep. When she awoke it with the school bell ringing at 7 am sharp. Startled, she jumped up and rolled onto the floor. She grabbed her pillow and tried to stifle the sound" God I'm in hell" suddenly she heard a loud CLICK. Quickly she scrambled to her feet and slowly grabbed the handle of the door and it opened [color=6ecff6]" yesss!"[/color] Elaighted, she stormed out of the room an she was going to sprint down the hallway but when she turned to do so she ran right into a brick wall of a man. Her escort from the previous day. Kira looked up [color=6ecff6]" you know we have to stop meeting like this, people are starting to talk."[/color] Her words unphased him and he tossed a pile of uniforms at her person and pointed at her room. Mumbling under her breath and walking back to the room, changing into that black and white school uniform. She uncomfortable tugged at the skirt. She loathed this uniform already despite how cute she might have looked. Kira was escorted to the mess hall for breakfast. Hulky standing off to the side and she proceeded to get a tray and fill it with scrambled eggs since that was the only thing that even looked appetizing. Sitting down near one of the barred windows and staring out of them longingly:::: [@AXIS]