[@HeySeuss][@Plank Sinatra][@Katthaj][@Sigurd][@Stormborn][@Inuyasha][@webboysurf][@The Nexerus][@Heat] Righto, here we are then, that's about twelve folks who posted here; if we take out those who decided to comment instead of just noting their interest, then we bring it down to around nine. I think I can cope with that, but please bare a few things in mind (as I'm writing the OOC, which should be up in the next couple of days) before taking the time to write and DM me a Character Sheet. Minus the world and major events, this will have [b]no resemblance[/b] to the television show, it will be drawing from the books and if your knowledge comes solely from the show then you may have a hard time. Secondly, this is in the 'Advanced' section; I don't want entire novels each post, and I'll allow plenty of time between posts for everyone to work theirs out, but if you do not believe you are able to keep up a consistent quality to your posts then again you may have a hard time. Thirdly, in spite of being set in a world with dragons and 'magic', this RP is aiming at some form of realism - events will happen that you may not agree with, may not like, but which were real enough to those living during the Medieval period - that being said, I've never liked such things just for the sake of them, and thus won't be turning this into the TV show by doing so. Obviously the 18+ tag is there for a reason, if you can't handle more mature themes then please have a think about your participation. Lastly, and arguably the most important thing from my standpoint as GM, is that no-one disappears without a word and only those that wish to participate for both the fun of it and the experience that comes from a group of people sharing a world and a story remain. If you have real-life concerns that will take up time, that's perfectly fine! Just [b]tell me[/b] as much. If you need to leave for some reason, again, [b]tell me[/b] - I like to 'leave' people on good terms if I can - and it will allow me to bring others in if I need to. If you've managed to get this far, and you're fine with all of it, then well done and I appreciate it very much. Anyone can feel free to DM me or post here with questions, or alternatively look me up on Discord and catch me there; I may not get back to you right away, but I will get back to you. Here is the Discord link to the RP server, if you're intered: https://discord.gg/mtQGN2t Again, thanks for reading and the OOC will be coming up 'shortly' Valar Morghulis.