[h2][color=39b54a][center]Gabri[color=fff200]ella Go[/color]nzales Re[color=fff200]pulsa L[/color]ibre[/center][/color][/h2] [hr] [@Zaphander][@LuckyBlackCat][@Heartfillia] Gabriella, arms still full of boquets, could only watch as Peter embraced Freya, who returned the gesture. They both cried to one another, Peter a little more than Freya. Gabby, still smiling, felt her own eyes water as well as the touching scene played out before her. She felt the urge to join in, to wrap her arms around both of them and give them a safe place to connect to one another, the the flowers obstructed her. She looked around to see if there was a place to put them down nearby, and sure enough there was a nurse's station with a nice wide counter, more than enough space. She relieved herself of her burden, quickly wiped her eyes, and turned back to see her classmates end their embrace as Renard approached from the opposite end of the hall. He was up and about as well, but definitely looked the worst for wear out of all of them, evident by his limp. Gabby didn't let the smile depart from her face just yet. [color=39b54a]"Renard! It is good to see you walking as well! And now, Sofia is the only one I have not yet seen,"[/color] Gabriella commented, taking a brief look behind her to check in case the lady moth happened to be approaching from the other direction. Instead of Sophia, she instead saw another face she recognized. Yes, it was Kerianne, if she remembered correctly. She had been absent the previous day. On one hand, she was lucky to not have had to go through something so traumatic, but on the other, it meant she was now somewhat of an outsider, unable to relate to the rest of them the way they could to one another, so Gabriella couldn't really decide whether it was a good thing or not that she'd missed that day. Keri handed out some cards, one to each of them. Perfect timing. [color=39b54a]"Ah, yes, Gabby has presents for you all also!"[/color] she announced after receiving her card from Kerianne. She turned to the nurse's station and carefully picked out each boquet, which came with their own get well soon card personalized for each student. She turned and handed them out after Keri was done with her cards. Once she was done with that, she took the card she received from Keri and opened it to read. It was nice to feel cared about, even though she was certain she needed the words written in the card the least out of everyone present. She looked to Keri and gave her a grateful nod of her head, her smile feeling a little less strenuous after reading her card.