Her mind raced as she shut down the small crafts main power and all of the systems. Leaving the suit on with the collapsible helmet and mag boots made Ali feel a little safer. If they did decompress the bay she wouldn't be sucked out into the black. Her built in insurance policy was the ace in the hole. She set the timer for an hour. If they kept her longer then that then the shuttles computer would turn on and overload the generators micro fusion initiators and cause a explosion large enough to take out the bay and all the adjoining spaces. She kept the rifle and knife because not taking them would be just inviting trouble. Taking a deep breath before leaving the safest place she had ever known. She left the bay and proceeded to walk down the large hallway wondering if the captain was compensating for something. Ali didn't recognize the structure even from the inside. It wasn't a Terran craft. Maybe one of the mars colonies the cyborg heard of in the bar. As she walked down the hall she wished she had bought a grenade, or four. From interdimensional rifts in space to this her trip was shaping up to be far more interesting than Ali bargained for. Giving a soft shrug with a sigh the cyborg continued on down the oversized hallway. The thought of getting her rifle ready was now overshadowed by what good it would actually be against something that needed a hallway this size. Worst case scenario was she could shoot her way out after it ate her. Not seeing any other way around this problem Ali looked at the door pad and pressed what could only be a door pad to open the door. Raising the left robotic hand Ali pressed the pad and waited to see just who and or what was on the other side.