Sahale suddenly felt a haughty presence near him. It absolutely reeked of self righteousness and outward loathing. He started to chuckle as he turned to Kara, who the feelings seemed to be emitting from quite profusely. [color=9932CC]"Phew! Oh my, oh [i]my[/i], that is one hell of a superiority complex I'm feelin'. You really that good or are you just that into yourself? Because I'd saaaaaay,"[/color] he looked her up and down, one arm crossed with his sheathed weapon still in hand as it supported the other arm resting on his chin as if deep in thought, [color=9932CC]"......bout a seven.....ish, maybe eight?"[/color] He wasn't able to see her eyes before she started to walk away as he was originally reading his own personal notice for his lineup of fights. [@Katthaj]