[@Katthaj] So I do have a little bit of a concern about your character, now that I've had time to read over the CS more in depth. I'm not really sure how well they'd do with everyone else in the gang, dynamic wise. The captain isn't in this business for personal gain, she's in it because she hates injustice, and it is [i]highly[/i] unlikely she'd hire someone who used to "bash up aliens." Secondly, aliens didn't exist in the human universe. I'm not sure if you just missed that, or if you didn't fully read the information I put up or what, but in the original universe humans lived in they didn't know aliens existed until interdimensional beings showed up and brought them to the alternate universe where intelligent species besides humans existed. Thirdly, from what I know of cartels (which is admittedly slim), it's kinda hard to just up and leave because they tend to track you down.