[@Katthaj] I still have a tiny bit of a problem with his attitude. As long as he's respectful and doesn't cause issues, it should be okay, but the captain really hates needless violence and isn't likely to take kindly to him causing issues lol [@Eisenhorn] As long as he can follow orders and is generally respectful to her, it should be okay. She can handle sassy, but blatant disregard for her command will get him in trouble. And his redeeming points were in the personality section where ever it shows that he's not just an angry mechanic looking for a fight lol [@Hellion] Sounds good! [@The Fated Fallen] That would be hilarious, but also bad lmao [@Moskau Spieluhr] I did notice something. She's not quite old enough to have been born on Earth (it was one of the first planets to go) and also there haven't really been a lot of military operations on Artemis. Some, yes, but nothing terribly major. Also you guys can all disregard the weight section in the CS.