[hr][center][@Hekazu] [color=tan]The Unnamable[/color][/center][hr]The man with the puppet puffed in annoyance and sat up remarkably straight as he was asked from where the map had been procured from. Did these people have buttons for eyes? Even George did not, and he was a puppet for goodness' sake! [color=tan]"George spotted this on the ground after one of you nearly stepped on it, that's where! It was in an envelope, sure, one that bore a wax seal, and it was good it was so just as well, unless one considers trying to make out the details out of soiled parchment their specialty!"[/color]. A short break was taken, the voice returning to a less agitated state before continuing: [color=tan]"The actual scene being that of the fight. George had thought he was not the only one to see it, but no such luck it seems."[/color] With those words spoken, the man hunched again and brought George back towards his chest. [color=tan]"It would help one unfamiliar with these corners of the land if this had more than simply the bat's eye view, but George has spent so long without one that he can surely appreciate the fact there is even this much"[/color], the speech continued before George was brought forth again, the map now a little more loosely held in the puppet's hands. [color=tan]"Have a look if you will, but George will want it back after. He made sure the envelope it came from was kept secure, yes he did."[/color] The fact Anala had requested no honorifics for herself was an unusual detail, but it would make interaction with her slightly less complicated a procedure, as was already being proven. [hr]