The sticky woman hobbled slowly into a goblet step, while unraveling the visage of a grandparent from beneath her hood, now displaying only one eye, the other sewn seemingly shut with decorative scarlet and cerulean sutures. The peddler stared at the intrusive knight and the accompanying entourage, indulging in a sniff and a snort, at the denouement of Talran's tirade. [color=ed145b]"This is solely a family affair. May I ask why do you even care?"[/color] The nursery rhyme bobbed in its prophetic tide, without awaiting a response and ignoring the silk threads all about her wagon. [color=ed145b]"Yet, since you dare, Morgantha will relinquish him. All but a single hair."[/color] A sleeve sluggishly shortened, revealing an arthritic hand shrouded with brilliant rings, bangles, and glossy long nails. The fingers shuffled through the bags, eventually loosing a vise. Crickets, sand, and rose petals avalanched onto the ground, as a boy was plucked, head first. A single tendril of a blonde lock was shorn, by the razor attached to the elder's thumb. [color=ed145b]"'Tis only fair. When we all share."[/color] With a sudden swing, Lucian tumbled out from the sack, towards the paladin, awakening and belching, but very much alive and evidently unbroken.