Favorite comics run: The Winter Soldier storyline from Brubaker's Cap, or IDW's TMNT. Brubaker's Cap is just the best, and made me fall in love with the character before Chris Evans made him challenge Spidey as my favorite all-around comic character. Just so much about that run is pitch perfect. And the IDW TMNT has just so much fun stuff I've enjoyed. Its combined the best parts of all the old TMNT properties into the best possible combination. Favorite comics movie: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE or AVENGERS: ENDGAME. Yes, I know they're both new, but both have just everything that makes me love superheroes. Crazy concepts, awesome characters, touching moments, great humor, and some terrific action to boot. In other news, my post is getting close to being done. I'm combining two posts into one, so it should be up Sunday.