[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ksYFNwa.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/57jK9rl.png[/img] [b][i]Country: Cyprus Location: Larnaca District - Alaminos Pier[/i][/b][/center] [b][i]BGM: Mary, the Magician still playing[/i][/b] [quote=@Letter Bee] Eliza Lopez spoke to Andre, "Greetings, Andre Dias. I am Sargeant First Class Eliza Lopez, assigned to protect prime asset Pablo Legazpi as well as those associated with him. These now include you and your ward. Now, if you could follow me into the ship..." [/quote] As Pablo and Eliza approached them, both Ein and André got up. [color=00a651]"Greetings, Sergeant Lopez. Private André Dias reporting for duty. With me, I've brought Ein Rubicante as requested."[/color] He said, presenting Ein. As Ein looked to Eliza, he instantly hid himself behind André, with no intentions of speaking anything. He looked away at the sea, just as so he wouldn't need to look at her. [color=00a651]"Ein, that's not a nice thing to do. You know what you have to say to people."[/color] André said. Still not looking at them, Ein spoke quitely. [color=bc8dbf]"... H-Hi..."[/color] [quote=@Letter Bee] And with that, he walked towards Ein. Ein the broken, Ein the adorable, Ein, who caused feelings within him to stir. The power of Truth had made those feelings uncomfortable, because he knew this, that what he felt was not Love [i]yet[/i], and that even if it was, a possible future might have him break Ein's heart if he reached out to someone more shattered than the latter. [i]Abbadon - The pitiable enemy. He who can still be redeemed.[/i] As Eliza greeted Andre, Pablo looked at Ein before trying to introduce himself. "Umm... My name is Pablo Legazpi and we'll be working together. My sword can reveal hidden truths as well as tap into primordial energies - Apparently, Truth and Primordial Energy share the same source." A faint smile as Eliza finished her introductions. "I'm happy to meet you." That was sincere. [/quote] To Ein's surprise, a stranger named Pablo had approached him. He jumped away, nervous and shaking. [color=bc8dbf]"P-P-Please, don't get near me!"[/color] He stuttered while wrapping himself in his arms. The sincerity Pablo had on introducing himself was the same sincerity Ein had on distancing himself. He didn't want Pablo to get close, he didn't want to talk... he didn't want to relive his past. [color=00a651]"Sorry, little Pablo. Ein... doesn't like people getting close to him."[/color] André spoke. Soon, Eliza went to the ship. [color=82ca9d]"C'mon, you two, let's follow her."[/color] André said, going towards the ship as well. Ein followed him as fast as he could. [quote=@Letter Bee] As she received their responses, then led the way, she would begin some exposition, "I am an Arms Master as well, with a sword that can generate fire and with a moment's concentration, 'modulate' said fire not to inflict physical damage to people I do not wish to harm. I am also a licensed babysitter with experience in taking care of children and teenagers." A chuckle, a signal she was trying to be humorous. "You've been brought here for your investigative skills, Mr. Dias, and those are going to be needed in the future. Operation: Symbiosis is a gordian knot of competing interests - Not all of them are interested in peace or even stability. And I'm not even including the people who want the expedition to fail." As they walked on to the transport's residential quarters, Eliza continued, "You've heard rumors that the Operation is a front for a large social experiment on whether Arms Masters and normal people can actually live in harmony and that if it fails, thousands of wealthy and influential people will give up on the concept of peace." She paused, turned around, and looked at them. "Those rumors are true, as Pablo can attest." They finally reached a set of rooms with numbers that matched keys they had been given beforehand. "And we're here; your quarters." [/quote] With the explanation given, André gave her a smile. [color=00a651]"Understood, Sergeant. I'll use my experience as an detective to the operation's favor."[/color] He spoke. However, that scared Ein. Wouldn't that mean André was going to leave him alone? [color=bc8dbf]"Y-You're not leaving me alone... r-right?!"[/color] He asked, worried and trembling a little. [color=00a651]"No, of course not. We'll be together, but... not all the time. It'll be just like at home."[/color] André spoke. Even so, Ein protested a little. [color=bc8dbf]"I... want to stay with you... don't leave me..."[/color] He said, almost crying. André hugged Ein for him to calm down. [color=00a651]"There, there... calm down, calm down-"[/color] He spoke, but Ein pushed him away. [color=00a651]"S-Sorry, Ein. I got... carried away again."[/color] He spoke. Ein nodded, but he was still scared of the outcome.