[hr][center][@Irredeemable] Orhvin Yi[/center][hr]... Well that had not been what he expected in the slightest. One minute Orhvin had been looking at a rather strange man, still trying to get the pain from his shoulder out, and the next he had realised that accursed sleet was coming down, and then there were zombies. One man was already down, people were shouting and screaming, calling down the gods, and probably a bunch of other things. Cracking his neck a little, he realized that these people could help him just as much as he could help them. He should probably fight on their side then. Stepping up, he jogged into the fray. Yes, jogged. He was pacing himself, there was no need for him to get involved too quickly. There was a man he hadn't seen that had made himself startlingly useful in fighting the troll, but that wasn't what he cared about. There was a zombie next to him. Firmly planting his quarterstaff in the ground, the monk swayed back, then to the side, and then suddenly lashed out. Using the pole for support, his sandaled feet went flying towards the face of the zombie. It made contact with a satisfying crunching noise, but whilst the face of the beast was now even more deformed than it had been previously, there was no real damage beyond the superficial. Twisting away from a groping claw, he turned his attention to the titan of the undead, standing firm next to the cloaked figure. Even the undead must have kidneys, and so that was where his next blow landed. As soon as his fist made contact however, he knew he made a grave mistake. His recently relocated arm screamed out in pain, and his [i]kiai[/i], supposed to be a controlled release of energy instead turned into a curse under his breath. His final hit did nothing- the humongous creature barely even registering his foot making contact with it. >Orhvin moves to attack the zombie that Zaerith is handily standing next to in order to flank it, and lands an attack for one damage, plus three thanks to his dexterity modifier. Then, using Flurry of Blows, he buggers off from that zombie, not provoking an AOO thanks to his Drunken Mastery, and goes for two failed attacks against the Zombie Troll, also flanking it. [hr]The crash stunned the champion. Woozy, he stood haphazardly out of reflex, as a sorceress’ fire simultaneously consumed the towering wretch. Soon, the vertiginous landscape around his head stilled, to fully appreciate the flesh-renting mammoth suffering another consequential onslaught from the poised paladin, the agile trickster and the inebriated monk. The resultant carnage sprayed upon Egil’s hilt, reminding the vine of Vaasa of his sword. The unsheathed razor edge quickly met the epigastrium of the titan, twice, spilling further gore onto the cobbled streets of Barovia. The head servant of the Sithican obeisance, loyal to the Attor ancestry, garnered this opportunity, riding with disowned child in tow, towards the closest canopy. As their pony galloped ever nearer, the moaning sob of a mother became more articulate in the wind over the ashen, peppered road, coloring Anala’s custodian with thoughts of grief and gloom. The origin of sound flowed from the desired destination, as sleet continued its icy scorch upon the dead, living and undead. The zombies and troll returned the vicious favor of combat, upon the closest prey: Zaerith, Orhvin, and Egil. Their exacting retorts lacked vigor, missing or barely forcing a retreat, with the fighter burdened with worst of a claw that pierced his chain shirt. >Egil strikes with 2 criticals, landing 27 damage due to Improved Critical and Dueling. Sebastian and Lucian ride on, for cover. The acid sleet accumulates its singe upon all below its demesne. The Zombies and Troll retaliate, but are unable to fell any of their targets. [Hider=End of Round 1 - Moves of Orhvin, Egil, Sebastian, Acid Sleet, and Zombies 1&3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/442949249068433409/470754133532606464/unknown.png[/img] Round 2 - Initiative Troll (Zombie 2): At 1 HP due to Undead Fortitude Markus: Dead Anala: 22 Mhyrienne: 19 Zaerith: 17 Unnamable: 16 Lucian: 12 Talran: 9 Orhvin: 5 Egil: 5 Sebastian: 4 Acid Sleet: 0 Zombies 1 & 3: -1 [/Hider]