"You guys can call me bomb." I shan't. You are henceforth...Zoz, because that's what I hear when I read Xox. So I speaketh, so it shall be, by divine right of my own ego. But yes, anyway, welcome to the Guild. Not too sure if any JoJo roleplays are going right now, but I'm sure you'll find something. Oh, and disregard the Free/Casual/Advanced designations. They're more like...Freeform(roleplays of all types are hosted here, but most are light on rules and lore), Relaxed(roleplays hosted here tend to have decent background information for their worlds but you aren't expected to put out too much with each post) and uuuuuuuh...Chunky, because I can't be assed to think of a better name right now(roleplays hosted here are usually very lore heavy and a good bit of detail is expected out of your posts). TLDR; the names of the different roleplaying subforums don't have anything to do with skill levels, mainly just the level of detail expected. I hope you help create many great works of collaborative literature.