Peter felt much better after her wiped away his tears and took a few deep breaths. It was very comforting to just let loose a little instead of letting all of his feelings pent up like that. Maybe not the most "manly" thing to do, but it felt good. Plus he got to hug Freya, so that's a win too. After the two stopped hugging he spotted Renard and waved at him. Peter wanted to banter with him, but he was obviously taking the whole situation badly. He got hurt the worse out of everyone as far as Peter remembered, and as dumb as he was to do the whole "stay behind to let the others go first" shtick, if Peter was in his position he probably would've done the same. [color=f7976a]"Hey Sparky. Not feeling too shocked are you?"[/color] A little pun to help ease the tension. Another surprised guest appeared, Kerianne Morley. She wasn't here yesterday on account of not feeling well, or at least that's what he was told. Frankly after the disaster training, Peter had completely forgotten about her. But she didn't forget about them, and she even brought cards for them. Peter always thought get-well-soon cards were cheesy, but then again he's never been hospitalized until now either. It was comforting to have. Gabriella also handed out her flowers, which Peter did his best to be gentle with. He never knew what exactly what to do with these but he'll do his best to make sure they live a long life. Peter looked over to Kerianne and gave her a confident nod. [color=f7976a]"It's... I'm not gunna lie, it's going to be rough. That wasn't exactly the best way to start our careers. But we survived, and while we didn't personally defeat any villains, they didn't take us down either. None of us were in too much danger that we couldn't put up a fight and hold our own. Sure, our abilities need improvement. But that's why we're here, right? This just gives us an idea of where we all need to improve."[/color] Gripping the gifts in his hand a bit tightly, Peter seemed serious again. Doubt still lingered in his heart, but also a new conviction grew. [color=f7976a]"I know we'll face them again. And I'm almost positive they plan to fight us again too. It can't be a coincidence that on the same day we go to visit that factory, they're also attacking. If it was just a plain robbery they wouldn't have bothered with so many villains all at once. At most they would've have maybe one or two just to cause mayhem and then the rest of their people would break into the vault or whatever and make a getaway. No... Those guys will be back. And we'll be ready for them."[/color] Peter stood up straight and seemed more determined than ever. He couldn't help it. Just like in middle school he saw blatant villainy and he couldn't just let himself stand idly by and let it happen just because they happen to be stronger than him. He never backed down from a fight even if he was out of his league. If they were doing wrong, than he will do right. [color=f7976a]"I don't know when we'll have to square off against them, but we need to be ready. Work together, understand one another, and grow stronger. If we try to deal with them ourselves they'll just step all over us. But as my dad once told me, teamwork is the greatest quirk. Namean?"[/color] [@Heartfillia][@LuckyBlackCat][@Nyahahameha]