[b]Damien Kane[/b] Damien was caught by surprise when a pizza box was slapped into his hand, and the pizza girl asked for her payment expectantly. He studied her face for a moment, before returning a sly smile, which was not visible thanks to his bandana. "I'm sorry, but unfortunately this spandex suit didn't allow for pockets." He said, just before the pizza box was snatched from his hand by Conduit, and then met with a firm handshake. Damien felt a small amount of his power drain out of him as any of Conduit's physical pain was eased, before quickly letting go of his hand. "Nice meeting you." Damien murmured. Conduit then explained that he didn't know who it was, and turned towards the girl hoping for an answer. Damien took the few moments between answers to examine the thugs strewn about the street, diagnosing each one with various illnesses by noting the symptoms he could see from a distance. He then decided on the best remedy for each individual, though he had no interest in actually helping them. He was known as a peacekeeper among the homeless, as anyone who was reported to have gotten in a brawl, were denied his services from that point on. It seemed cruel to some, but Damien considered it the best way to keep the peace, since he wasn't exactly a martial artist. He would never turn people away based on if they could pay him or not, this earned him the title of "The poor man's doctor" and he was very proud of it too.