[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ld8n2fV.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190506/28450ebf8295f442e77e2132c4cfa0f7.png[/img][/center] [hr] [right][color=6D9Db2][b]Dungeon Entrance[/b] 11 AM[/color][/right] [hr] Perhaps Castor would forget it for now. Dahlia seemed less than inclined to remember the events of the night prior, which seemed a good signal that the truth was better buried [i]forever[/i]. Castor shrugged and followed after Oben who seemed almost as eager as himself to get this started. He looked back at Kori and Varanense, they seemed capable enough but the archer put a bad taste in his mouth. He seemed more than eager to relax at his own pace, a slacker? Castor looked forward and continued his way into the dungeon, spear resting on his shoulder. For a glory hunter, Varanense’s relaxed demeanor only meant there was one less rival to compete against. [color=salmon][i]More for me.[/i][/color] [hr] [right][color=6D9Db2][b]First Floor[/b] Later[/color][/right] [hr] The first floor was a familiar path for Castor who had visited the dungeon solo frequently. More unfamiliar was travelling in a party, the concept of teamwork seemed to fly over his high horse as he more than often stomped ahead of the party eager to slay monsters. Jumping to fight whatever crossed the party’s path as they navigated the blue-lit corridors. They came across room filled with seven kobolds close to the path to the second floor. Castor grinned and gripped his spear tightly as he prepared to charge into the crowd of unsuspecting furry beasts like the reckless son of a bitch he was. [b]“Well, y’know the drill-o. Castor, strong lad like you can take em all yourself, yeah?”[/b] He turned to reply to Varanense’s sarcastic remark but his attention was grabbed as Kori cast magic on Oben and charged in herself, beating him to it. Oben followed in closely after her buffed by whatever Kori had cast on him. Castor gritted his teeth frustratedly, he wouldn’t let them get ahead of him. He placed a hand on his chest as he began chanting to himself [color=salmon][i][b]"Grant me glory, Grant me virtue. Lead the charge. Feel no fear. Crimen Gloriae"[/b][/i][/color] A crimson glow enveloped astor for a brief time as he felt a calming feeling build up within him. He held his spear point outward and dashed forward with enhanced speed. He weaved around the pillars to the side and extended his spear meters away from a kobold on the left side of the clump. His long arm shot the spear out like a ballista bolt targeted at the kobold’s neck. Recoiling the spear back he took a breath as he twirled it in his fingertips. Getting in a low stance he held the spear ready to strike, like a viper ready to snap at whatever counterattack the kobolds struck with.