Approved through PM [hider=Kadrin][b]Name:[/b] Kadrin Aakre [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Raelus [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Kadrin has developed few meaningful social bonds due to her cynical disposition. As a result, she is often rough around the edges when interacting with others. She views honing her fighting technique as more pleasant than small talk, and is typically reserved and tight lipped about her past. She’s more inclined to resort to uncouth or self deprecating humor to avoid talking about herself. Rather than spread lies and misinformation, she gets creative in the ways that she changes a subject or answers a question. Kadrin is hesitant to place her trust in others, and anticipates a moment when someone will turn on her. However, she is blunt and finds no qualms in voicing suspicions that she might have. [b]History:[/b] Despite spending most of her years in Raelus, Kadrin was raised with the traditional Miraheim values of her father. Having lost her mother to illness at such a young age, she knew little about that side of her family. The only thing she was able to assume was that her father had come to Raelus, and then married her mother some time after. She was never able to ascertain whether her mother was the reason for him leaving Miraheim behind, or whether it was something else that had brought him to Raelus. He held his tongue in all related matters. During Kadrin’s formative years, she often envisioned following her father’s example by pursuing a life similar to the one that he had lead. The way that he spoke fondly of his time as a Highman in Miraheim made her want to leave Raelus behind, especially with the values and ideals she was exposed to in Raelus. Kadrin imagined that when she became old enough that she might try to convince her father to return to Miraheim. However, it was something that never happened the way that she had planned. Kadrin spent most of her youth getting into trouble with those around her age by fighting in the streets and picking up fighting habits that her father disapproved of. She used dirty tactics that involved taking advantage of her opponents rather than having a clean, fair fight. Those that engaged in such fights were often met with grave injuries, and there was much debate about whether Kadrin should be forbidden from such recreational activities. He insisted that she was too young, and that there was no honor in fighting without purpose. Such tactics should be reserved for later. There was a time and a place for such fighting. Ignoring her father’s words was Kadrin’s detriment, and would prove to be her greatest regret. Kadrin went seeking the group that she typically met with to spar, eager to improve her fighting abilities even more. Aspirations of becoming a skilled warrior motivated her to continue seeking fights against her father’s wishes. When she reached the typical meeting place, the boys that she often fought with ran from the alley as another boy lay lifeless on the ground. The loss of a life was something that was typically ignored, but it was different since the boy that died was the son of a noble Lord. The betrayal Kadrin experienced was something that she viewed as a blessing and curse. She realized that the loyalty she had granted her friends was misplaced, which ultimately affected any subsequent relationships she formed. Since it was learned that a group frequented the area, Kadrin was pointed out as a likely culprit. Her friends claimed that they hadn’t been in the area that day, and insisted that they were together. However, Kadrin was said to be unaccounted for. When it came time for Kadrin to be held accountable, her father stepped forward and claimed fault for the crime. He insisted that he had come to reprimand Kadrin for getting into such fights and had acted hastily when he saw that she was doing the very thing that he had asked her not to do. Underestimating his strength, he had acted hastily as any parent would do. Whether he believed that she was actually responsible when taking credit for the crime that she was charged with wasn’t something that Kadrin was ever able to find out since her father was executed for petty treason. With her father’s death, Kadrin also become obsessed with the idea of proving his innocence and punishing everyone responsible. She began by trying to poke holes in alibis, especially after learning that the ones investigating the matter had connections to the ones that were actually responsible. She called to question the severity of the punishment when he hadn’t actually been responsible, and tried to reveal the actual culprits. However, she quickly learned that she would face the same fate he had if she kept trying to unearth the corruption in her city. Ten years had passed since Kadrin made attempts to prove her father’s innocence. She hadn’t completely given up on clearing his name in spite of his death, but she made no evident effort when she realized that his death might be for nothing if she continued to persist with the matter. Instead, she left for Miraheim to pursue training among Highmen and sailors. Kadrin sought training as a way to remind herself about what her father stood for, and to try and better understand him. While becoming a proper Highmen had once been her greatest ambition, Kadrin realized that the lifestyle was different than what she had expected it to be. She didn’t believe in anything anymore. Instead, she spent the following few years living the life of a vagrant mercenary. [b]Weapon Preference:[/b] Kadrin’s primary weapon proficiency is with a sword. She has found pairing her fighting style from Raelus with Miraheim weaponry to prove challenging at times since she feels her movements are more limited. In addition to her blade, she also carries a small axe on her person. [b]Side:[/b] Mercenaries [/hider]