[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] A lot was happening at once. Alicia tried to commit the name to memory, one that didn't quite seem to fit with the personality. At least 'Ren Faire girl' was a fairly easy descriptor to remember. A small nod escaped as Amaryllis confirmed that the other girl who had gone with Summer was dead. Which seemed somewhat to be expected given what had happened with the arm, but the confirmation was appreciated. Yet Alicia couldn't bring herself to feel all that bad about it. She'd heard what that girl had been saying, knew she had been tied to the Horror that had threatened to manifest. The fact that she had turned coat at the last second did not absolve her of what she had done before. "I see," she mused. "Too bad. Hopefully she can atone for those who suffered at her hands in the next life." Then to the new girl, who confirmed that she didn't know who Shining Scale was. So definitely not a reincarnation. An eyebrow rose as the chain arm retracted, attaching itself to the pirate. "Yeah. Assuming our dark and brooding death holds to his word," Alicia confirmed as she glanced back at the tear in the sky. Not that she was confident it would happen, what with it being a Horror and all. But she didn't have many better plans at this point. "Sure, go ahead,' she replied, allowing Sophia to depart now that her question had been answered. Her gaze rose as Soth spoke once more, giving a very innocuous goodbye before closing the rift, leaving not a sign of its presence in the sky by the time that it was done. It seemed that it was over, for now. It was at about that time that the others arrived, a raucous crowd of various magical girls celebrating the fact that they had won and the end of the world would be averted for today. Kimble floated out of the sky and quickly latching on to her with a hug, while June approached on someone elses shoulder's so she stood out. "Hey Kimble," she replied with a smile, giving her a small hug in turn before patting her head. Reaching out, she grasped June's hand in a firm shake as she glanced up towards where Soth had been. "Not quite. I helped destabilize the initial ritual, but there was a girl here who was connected to the Horror somehow. She finished disrupting it, and I guess that was good enough to get the Horror to decide it had had it's fun and go away. If you can trust the word of a Horror. Though, uh, there is one other thing." She gestured back towards where the maid and Jenna were, voice lowering for a few moments. "When the whole ritual was over that girl showed up. She's got a Spark." Not that she knew how, or why, but what it meant was obvious. At the very least, she would be safe from them for now. Beckoners couldn't hurt each other after all. [@Ariamis][@Crusader Lord][@ERode][@t2wave]