Howdy Ladies, Gentlemen and other forms of being! I'm Ajax, or you can call me Jax. I've been rping for like 7-8 years now?? Mostly quick chatroom style up until about a little over a year ago when I began getting more moderately detailed and that's where I like it now but I still have trouble going beyond 3 paragraphs. I'm a little shy cause I always doubt myself about being experienced in anything so I second guess myself a lot. My main favorite genres are slice of life and modern with a lil twist of fantasy. Recently I've been getting a little more into sci-fi and horror but I've been known to choose other stuff if it catches my eye and I think it has great story potential. Outside of roleplay I enjoy video games, though I'm pretty casual. I like calmer games like minecraft, stardew valley, don't starve, slime rancher. But I do also absolutely love games like Red dead redemption 2, grand theft auto, and some Call of duty. [i]Though I rarely play online and mostly stick to campaign cause I'm horrible at PvP.[/i] Besides video games I love to sew and do other types of crafts. I make cosplays, though not very good, for me and my friends for conventions. I make small dollhouse dioramas. I love making stuff with perler beads or 'melty beads'. I love making things with polymer clay. Right now I'm making a tiny series of my favorite SCPs. I draw sometimes though I'm not good, but I will say I'm better at traditional art than digital. I've been trying to get into painting but I still feel I'm not too great. I sometimes follow along with Bob Ross videos cause he's the best <3 One last big thing to mention about myself is that I am a Clown. Like no seriously that's my profession. I talk about it a lot so be prepared. I love clowning and making people smile and laugh. It warms my heart. And I enjoy bringing some light-hearted fun to a tired and deary world. I mostly do Kids parties, I twist balloon animals and do face painting. But I'm going to a course this summer to learn "Care Clowning" which is where you go to hospitals and nursing homes and cheer people up. I know it's not a popular profession considering the whole "scary clown" stuff especially since the movie IT came out in the 90s. And that whole fiasco a couple of years ago where people in Clown masks were terrorizing towns and stuff. [i]But scary clowns aren't real clowns, real clowns would never want to scare people or get into their personal space without permission.[/i] But I'm not gonna rant about it here since I could go on forever. So yes again Hello everyone! I hope to have a great time Roleplaying here!