[center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6b/f9/b7/6bf9b7a36abd51b6a8d149b70943268f.png[/img] [color=SpringGreen][b]Bowser Jr[/b][/color] [color=SpringGreen]Location:[/color] 1-1: scrapyard [color=SpringGreen]wordcount:[/color] 1,143 (+2) [b][color=SpringGreen]Level 2 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///[/color]/////////////////// (3/20) [/center] [hider=for jr (via dm)] [url=http://images.nintendolife.com/news/2016/03/admit_it_you_want_this_splatoon_splattershot_water_pistol/attachment/0/original.jpg]Splattershot[/url] - a strong squirt gun that fires black ink. It only directly harms hydrophobic targets like fire elementals. ground type pokemon, and Inklings, but it coats both targets and surfaces with sticky ink that impairs movement and makes the target more susceptible to damage [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fantendo/images/1/1b/BlooperSuit.png/revision/latest?cb=20111015125511]Bloop Hood[/url] - a cowl to be worn over the head. It allows the wearer to breath and see freely underwater as well as slightly mitigating water resistance [/hider] Initially Jr’s call to action had mixed results. On the one hand the Rabbid’s did gather around their former master but without the presence of Spawny (the Rabbid who had accidentally combined the locals with various mushroom kingdom objects using a pair of scientificly astounding goggles to give them their current theme in the first place) it was predominantly out of curiosity rather than from any form of loyalty or faith in his abilities that brought them to him. The demands for hard labor and the lateness hour ment they had little enthusiasm for his task, much to the boy’s chagrin. This poor mood resulted in the prince dismounting and entering the crowd to individually berate them into working for him but fortunately he was prevented from entirely destroying the moral of his little army by the arrival of Linkle. The hero draped her Mad Mantle over him like a royal cloak and then, while Jr struggled with being suddenly accosted by the fabric, tried to turn the salvaging mission into a game. Jr, having properly adjusted his newly acquired symbol of leadership, then watched the girl getting really into her work. At least someone knew how to follow instructions around here, he thought to himself. [color=SpringGreen]”Now that's the kind of enthusiasm I like to see! Come on get to it minions, you going to let her have all the fun?”[/color] he yelled at the Rabbids before approaching the first cart with his Necro smasher. He gave the vehicle (a classic [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/archive/d/d5/20100823031224%21Kart_MK64.png]pipe cart[/url]) a few practice thwacks with the wooden engineering tool and was pleased to watch as bent and buckled pipes snapped back into regimented place, tiers re-inflated and even the paintwork reapplied itself wherever he hammered away. [color=SpringGreen]”aw yeah, am I great or what!”[/color] he boasted, before hopping in and flicking on the ignition. There was no response. After hammering his foot against the peddle a few times it became clear that they’d need fuel. Fortunately, after summoning a bunch of Goombas and making them go look for petrol Jr discovered the pit-stop the team had passed through earlier, which was quickly turned into the heart of Kart repair. Rabbids, Koopas, and Goomas all tore through the scrapheap, digging up everything and anything that might meet the princes’ standards of being cool enough to be worthy of his time repairing with his mighty mallet. The [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/2/2d/Mkdd_koopa_king.jpg]Koopa King[/url] was one of the first approved, and the six wheeler which was quickly re-purposed as a tow truck to pull any of the beefier karts out of the junk. As the evening wore all sorts of machines were pulled from the wreckage and pieced together, generally with bigger wheels and engines added where possible because A. that made them cooler in both jr and the Rabbids opinion and B. To make them a bit better at off-roading. There was a kart shaped like a [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/4/49/MKAGPDX_Mario_Special_7.jpg]cake[/url], a motorized [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/c/c8/Poltergust4000model.png] vacuum cleaner[/url], a tiny [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/c/cd/DryBomber.png]tank[/url], a pair of [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/a/a2/ROBLGSmodel.png]robotic legs[/url], one with a massive [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/f/ff/MKAGPDX_Mario_Special_8.jpg]drill on the front[/url], the rocking [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/File:FlameFlyer-Wario.png]FlameFlyer[/url], a golden [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/3/34/Paradekartart.jpg]parade kart[/url] and many others. There were also bikes like [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/7/7d/WarioBike-Wario.png] wario’s one[/url], a speedy [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/4/41/Sugarscoot-Daisy.png] scooter[/url] and the legendary [url=https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/zelda_gamepedia_en/thumb/1/1e/BotW_Link_Riding_Master_Cycle_Zero_Artwork.png/1200px-BotW_Link_Riding_Master_Cycle_Zero_Artwork.png]Master Cycle Zero[/url]. All these and more where rolled or dragged to the pit-stop where a bit of hammering got them working again in no time. After which they were often broken again by Jr or the Rabbid’s “tinkering” and had to be fixed for a second or third time. Particularly when someone managed to get a hold of the Slice Cutter and went to town on a poor racing machine. It was while he was attempting to construct a tripod for the minigun on the back of the Parade Kart that the pièce de résistance of the whole endeavor was found. “Ey boss! Your tiny terror-ness! We found something you should see!” yelled a Goomba from one of the junk piles. [color=SpringGreen]”Then bring it down here so I can... Gack!”[/color] jr cursed as the unattended contraption of pipes and axles collapsed and he barely avoided having his toes squished by the bulky rotary cannon. [color=SpringGreen]”so I can fix it”[/color] he finished yelling at the goomba as if nothing had happened. “Well we would but it’s a bit big” responded the squat minion, pretending he hadn’t seen anything. [color=SpringGreen]”how big?”[/color] Jr asked, now curios. “His majesty big” came the reply that caused Jr to abandon what he was up to to go scramble up the junk pile. [color=SpringGreen]”you lot! Bring fuel!”[/color] he yelled at some minions. Once he had met up with the Goomba he, and a number of canteen carrying goons, where led down into the scrap pile via a very unsafe tunnel, at the end of which they were presented with a steering wheel three times the size of any of the pint sized creatures. Jr grinned ear to ear. His father would be so proud. [hr] The sun had set, the moon was rising and the roar of a colossal engine filled the scrapyard. It was accompanied by the screaming metal junk as one of the skrap piles began to move and then collapsed as the royal purple and gold spiked [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/4/41/Bowser_Mobile_Artwork_-_Super_Mario_3D_World.png]Bowser Mobile[/url] blindly tore its way free, having been repaired and refueled while still buried in its former grave. Wheels the height of a human tore across the dull dirty ground of the junkyard as jr hung out of one side of the massive vehicle, shouting orders at a crew of Rabbids, Goombas and Koopas blindly working the pedals with their weight and the steering wheel with ropes. [color=SpringGreen]”Right! Right! No left!”[/color] he shouted before there was a horrendous crunch as the car clipped a stack of carts before it crose corrected back towards peach’s castle. [color=SpringGreen]”Break! break!”[/color] Jr yelled, causing the minions down by the foot pedals to throw themselves off of the gas and onto the brake pedal. [color=SpringGreen]”Oh nononono. Stop!”[/color] came the cries of the prince as he threw himself down onto the handbrake, wrapping his body around the massive stick and hammering a fist against the button on the end to force it down. The vehicle came to a screeching halt mere centimeters away from plunging into the moat next to Hat-Kid’s ship. A few moments later the door popped open and was followed by an avalanche of car sick critters. The striker minions poofed themselves back to the safety of being ethereal beings while the Rabbids took simple pleasure in being able to touch the ground again. One even made out with the grass. [color=SpringGreen]”That. Was. Awesome!”[/color] declared the seemingly entirely nonplussed Jr as he stepped out and beheld his work: Over a dozen karts fit for riding and a regal motorized throne for his father. Then Jr stretched and yawned. It had been a long day. Even if he’d missed the middle of it mentally, his body still felt the fatigue of being up at such an hour. It was well past bedtime, and so the prince and his entourage retired to peach’s castle to get some well deserved rest.