[hider=House Greyjoy] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Peol1bw.png[/img] [b]Words:[/b] We Do Not Sow [b]Recent History:[/b] House Greyjoy is one of the oldest and most prestigious of the Iron Island houses, styling themselves as Lord Reapers of Pyke. Their island is not the wealthiest, nor the largest, but they commanded a great deal of respect and influence among the other houses. When Harrenhall burned, the line of House Hoare ended, and the Conqueror descended on the Iron Islands with Blackfyre and Dragonfire. After Aegon subdued the leaderless ironborn, he allowed them to elect their own Lord Paramount, and they turned to House Greyjoy. After that, the Iron Islands fell into a decline. The Ironborn no longer had the Riverlands to draw resources from, and Aegon had forbidden them from reaving mainland Westeros. If they wished to raid, they must do so either under the guise of freelance pirates, or by sailing to distant Essos. The newly elected Lord Paramount, Lord Vickon Greyjoy, even allowed septons to come to the Iron Islands; angering the Drowned Men. Naturally, there have been some attempts to revive the Old Way. In 37 AC, the Priest King Lodos the Twice-Drowned, who claimed to be the Son of the Drowned God, rose in rebellion against Aegon's son, King Aenys. Vickon Greyjoy sent his head to King's Landing, preserved in a jar, and as a reward Aenys offered him any boon he wished. To regain the respect and loyalty of his vassals and the Drowned Men, Lord Vickon chose to expel all Septons and Septas from the Iron Isles. The Iron Islands tend to keep away from the politics of the Iron Throne. [/hider] [hider=The Red Kraken] [b]Name:[/b] Dalton Greyjoy [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6XFaPvb.png[/img] [b]Biography:[/b] Dalton as a child was young, strong, and wild. Following his uncle to sea, the boy had been rowing since the age of five and reaving since the age of ten; he grew up on the waves. They sailed throughout Essos, plundering and pillaging as they pleased, mainly around the Basilisk Isles, but at one point they went as far as Old Ghis. Dalton himself fought in over a dozen battles, and claimed four salt wives. Dalton is ruthless and bloodthirsty to the extreme, but beneath that there is also a deep cunning. Some may think him mad or rash, and they wouldn't be wrong, but he is no idiot. On the contrary, he can be very cunning and shrewd when he puts his mind to it. Ironborn to the core, he has earned the love, respect, and loyalty of those he sails with. He also has a deep belief in the Drowned God. During one fateful raid, Dalton saw his beloved uncle get cut down in heavy fighting by a corsair who wielded a Valyrian Steel Sword. The Young Greyjoy flew into a rage, and charged into the midst of the battle along. He avenged his uncle by slaying the corsair, and emerged from the fight covered in red and bleeding from a dozen wounds, Valyrian blade in hand. He dubbed the sword "Nightfall", while his men called him "The Red Kraken." Not too long after, he received word that his father had died. It is now time to return home and claim the Seastone Chair. Yes, I know this seems ridiculous. But apparently it's canon. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Dalton_Greyjoy I would like to propose that [@Kingfisher]'s character is Dalton's cousin, daughter of the uncle that he went reaving with. Maybe, on his way back to Westeros, he can stop by Meereen and inform her of his death, then invite her back to the Iron Islands? [/hider]