As the library closed and their history lesson finished, and Indigo was ushered out with Margo, the orang red gradient of the setting sun stretched out across the horizon. There weren't many hours of daylight left. "Let's see where we can go next," Indigo fished out his pokedex, tapping the screen until he came to the region map. "Hmm... Zanna's connected to Shamba and Jimmal City." Closing in on the unfamiliar destination, he scanned the description. "Oldest city in Septoh. And it's... spiritual?" Those words were enough to get him to completely miss the other mentions of rising crime. Had he seen those statistics, he may have changed his mind about going. Fortunately or unfortunately however, he didn't. "Jimmal sounds cool," he said, snapping his pokedex shut. "It's definitely a hike around Winding Pass. Kinda wish we had those flying pokemon right about now, right?" He quirked an eyebrow at Margo. "Says it takes ten hours to walk. We'll probably have to camp, but maybe we'll find some people or pokemon who'll give us a ride or something... Maybe some food... Oh right, the old man gave us some snacks." Removing the pouch from his belt, he procured two simple sandwiches. With plenty of leafy greens, hearty thick seeded bread, and a rich slab of cheese in the middle, it was the perfect, filling snack to give him and Margo energy. "Surprised these even kept so long... That was good. Right? Oh yeah, he said not to throw away the bags... Guess I'll keep it on me." He squared his shoulders. "Ready to go?"