[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190515/feca7eccfd72402608a550b4427722cf.png[/img][/center][hr] The reaction was not uncommon. It seemed in a world of wonders and magic, many of which she found absolutely amazing, but time seemed to be something that, she wasn't certain. Maybe it reminded them of their own existence in the tapestry of the universe. Maybe it was simply really cool. There were occasions that she wondered if the immensity of it all wouldn't come crashing down on her mind. Most of the time, though, she just kept going forward and trying to enjoy everything. [color=DeepPink]"It's just what I was born with the ability to do. I don't know if anything else is better or worse." [/color]She didn't understand people's need to compare themselves, well she did but usually only with dance not with something outside of one's control. [color=DeepPink]"I can, actually. But then we'd be the ones moving in slow motion to everyone else." [/color]She closed her eyes and fast forwarded the world for a few moments before bringing the world back into a normal time frame. [color=DeepPink]"I could just teleport us to the port if you'd want. Short hops I can usually do without arriving yesterday or tomorrow."[/color] She grinned as though she was joking. She very much wasn't. Sometimes she ended up in all sorts of times and places.